The Letters - Sam Holland

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It was perfect... Sam took me to our spot at the nature center. It was a path that had trees chopped and growing the right way to make a little tunnel. Sam got on one knee, holding my hand in his. He gave his sweet speech, I said yes, crying my eyes out, Harry took pictures, are we surprised?


It was a year, 2 months and a few gray-stress-hairs later but Sam and I were ready. It was the night before, I was at my mom's house and my bridesmaids were with me for a little sleepover. There was a knock at the door. I looked in confusion, we already had pizza and Sam and I agreed we wouldn't see each other until I was walking down the aisle. The girls paused the movie for me as I approached the door. Upon opening it, I saw a little wooden box. It had a note, "For my future wife..." I felt tears stinging my eyes. "What is it Y/N/N?" One of my friends asked. "I-It's from Sam..." I let a tear slip. I picked up the box and the note, locking the door.

"My future wife... whoever you may be...

I thought this would be a nice thing to do... I've seen it before, why not give it a go? In this box are all the notes I have ever written about you... What I hoped you would be like, how I thought about proposing, how excited I was to finally be thinking of my future wife... I hope this finds you well and I can't wait to be your husband...

Y/N, my love,

I wrote one more letter for you... I want you to read it before you go to bed or when you wake up... whenever you get a spare moment. You can read the rest on our honeymoon, I want to be there when you read those ;) I love you so much and I can't wait to see you...

Love, Sammy"

I was full-on sobbing, my friends were asking if they needed to get me a bat or tissues. I smiled and showed them the note. They all cooed at how lucky I was and how precious his gesture was. I set it aside as we finished out the night. Everyone else had gone to bed and I was eager to see what Sam wrote me.

"My darling Y/N,

The moment I laid eyes on you, I knew I wanted to make you mine. The way you take hold of the room when you walk in, the way you walk with a little skip, the way you light up at a dog passing by, the way you eat pasta or ice cream, the way you cuddle into me at night or during a storm, the way you wear my t-shirts and still manage to take my breath away, the way you grab my hand, everything about you is perfect. You're perfect. I have dreamed of this day for a long time. You have been the one my heart has been searching for. I know you will make a lovely mother to our children and I am so confident that I can trust you with my life. You are everything I have ever wanted in a woman; you push me to be better and stronger. I can't wait to call you Mrs. Y/N Holland. It has a good ring to it. I can't wait to see you... you're going to look so beautiful like the angel you are. I love you with all of my heart my darling, angel, baby, honey bunch, princess, love, rock, shelter, safe haven... Now let's go show all these people how a wedding is done.

Love, Sammy"

I covered my mouth as I cried. I never pegged Sam to be one to do this... He has always been more of an acts-of-service kind of guy. The next morning, I got ready for our wedding, floating on cloud nine, Sam's words still ringing through my head. Everything was a blur, the vows, the rings, the sealing kiss, running out of the chapel... all of it. Sam and I had the time of our lives on our honeymoon. We did everything new couples did and it was awesome. (get your head out of the gutter!) The second night, we were ready to just be with each other. I pulled out the box as Sam wrapped his arms around me. "First of all... I love you for doing this. Second, I love you so much." He laughed, placing a kiss on my cheek. We went through his love letters to his future bride, making me cry even more. After we read through all of them, we fell asleep in the plush bed, tangled up with each other.

A/N: I personally think this is absolutely precious and I am definitely writing letters to my future husband 😍 Also, go take a quiz to find out what your love language is, that's what the "acts-of-service" is from.  Love y'all! Like, comment and vote!

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