The Change Comes From Within

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I own you an apology, I know.

Truth is, I usually write after work, but this week was exhausting and I had no energy left to dedicate to the story. Plus, this really means a lt to me and I want to give you the best result possible, and if I have to write it 3 times instead of 1, then it is.

Anyway, thank you so much for the comments, and all your support. You keep me going 😊

Hope you enjoy the chapter.


Andrea was laying in the bed she shared with her husband, she could hear the screams and laughter going on the next room. Sullivan and Sarah had been there for hours now, it was like they were tireless. The captain, on the other side, was in her bed, feeling exhausted of just spending the day with her friends.

It was not just the physical exhaustion, or the sleepiness she had been feeling for a couple of days. It was the emotional, phycological fatigue that was killing her. Her baby. Carina talked about her baby without knowing about Sarah. Could the woman mean something else? Andy thought about all the possibilities, and the only one that made sense, was the scariest one.


Sarah ran towards the bed, jumping on her mother. Sullivan walked slowly behind her, smiling.

"Sah, what did papi told you?"

The men said, sitting next to his wife, planting a kiss at the top of her head.

"That If a brush my teeth, and put on my pajamas by myself, I can sleep with you!"

"Oh really, papi said that?"

Andrea said, holding her girl in her arms, planting kisses all over her, making her giggle. She looked in her husband's eyes, melting with love. She really was a happy woman with him. However, the captain could not stop thinking about how he would react if her suspicions were verified.

In the happy and relaxed environment, the family was, they all got ready for bed, not without playing or cuddling one another first. The night ended up with Robert reading "Mulan" for his girls, it was already Sarah's favorite story, she said the Disney princess reminded her of her mami, and her parents just loved that.

The morning came to fast for Andy and to late for Robert, since his daughter had spent the night kicking him in places no man wanted. Andrea just laughed when he told her about that in the morning.

"I'm telling you Andy; she does not want siblings."

And that was it, the joke that reminded her of the big elephant in her mind. She got serious, thinking of ways to find out, without her husband or friends around. Even thought he didn't know the reason why, Robert could see the wheels turning in his wife's brain.

When Andy walked in their bathroom saw her daughter covered in toothpaste.

"Sarah, what did you do?"

Andy said, taking the paste out of the girls' hands, calmly, trying hard to contain her laughter.

"Rob, come here, please."

The Battalion Chief walked in the room running, only to be surprised by a green and red child, and a very muddled wife. He looked at the watch and stopped for a second thinking.

"What was this?"

"I... I wanted to...."

The girl started crying immediately, making both of her parent kneel before her.

"Hey baby girl, it's ok. We are going to clean you up and get ready to school. You wanted to clean your teeth by yourself, right? That's a good thing!"

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