The Fight

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In seconds, fists were flying. All that could be seen were flashes of color and the occasional glitch from Him.

"You are nothing to me anymore, brother. nothing but a puppet for me to use." He laughed.

"Is that really what you think of me? I'm nothing but a pawn in your pathetic game?"

Marvin fought back tears. No, not now. I have to be strong for my brothers.

"That's one way to put it, but I prefer the term puppets. It makes me feel... powerful."

There were a few minutes of silence before He decided to speak again.

"Don't you want power, brother? Control beyond your wildest dreams?"

"No," Marvin spoke abruptly.

"Not like this. This is unlike anything I have ever seen. And I never believed that my own brother could do something.. like this."

"Well, I guess it was good that I thought outside the box so long ago, hmm?" He smirked.

Marvin growled as he pounced towards Him. He glitched away, hiding in the darkness.

Marvin looked around carefully, but he couldn't find Him. "You know, it's very childish to hide like this." he laughed.

"Do you think this is a game, brother?" he hissed as His prized knife was now held against the magician's neck. "It's not one, and it never will be."

"Of course. I understand." Marvin replied, his eyes on the blade.

"Very good." He smiled. "Now, let's continue.."

"Yes. Don't want to get sidetracked, do we?" Marvin purred.


The flashes of light and glitches returned again. It was all I saw for almost thirty minutes. I began to get worried.

Then, unexpectedly, I heard a heavy thump and everything began to clear away.

Oh, god I thought. My mind raced and my heart nearly stopped.

When everything finally cleared, Marvin held Him by the collar, looking into His eyes angrily. Blood was everywhere and Marvin's mask was now shattered on the floor.

I stayed silent. I dared not make him more furious than he already was now.

"Any last words?" Marvin hissed, his eyes glowing.

"You're very.. strong..' He laughed hoarsely. "..honestly, I had no idea, brother."

Marvin growled. "You're only saying that to make me feel sad for you. I'm done falling for your tricks."

He sighed. "Believe that if you want to, brother. But if there's any point in time I would be telling you the truth, it's now.. practically on my deathbed."

"If I let you live, I know you would be back to haunt me in a very short time. And besides, you took innocent people and made them into your.. servants. I could never let someone just... continue on doing something like this!"

"Then just kill me already! Isn't that what you want?" He yelled.

"It's not what I want, brother. But it's what needs to happen." Marvin spoke sadly.

"See you on the other side.." He choked out as tears began to well in His eyes.

"Godspeed, brother."

Another flash of light and He was gone.

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