Another Dream

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'Where am I?' 

my ears begin to ring, and I feel some semblance of a floor beneath me. 'An office building? a hotel?' 

suddenly I heard thundering footsteps coming closer and closer to me.

I knew these faces, I'd seen them before. Faces with no expression, eyes white as snow. I couldn't save them now, no matter how much I wanted to. I needed to hide somewhere, and fast.

Finally, after running down a hallway for what seemed like forever, I found an office with a desk. I quickly hid under it and waited. I heard the footsteps pass me, but I didn't move until everything was quiet again.

I moved the chair out of the way, then looked over the top of the desk. I see the doctor walk in. he looks all out of sorts..his brown hair messy and disheveled. he finds me and gives me a scared look. 

I give him the same look back. 

"They're trying to find me doctor.. to take me back in.. I don't want that." I begin to cry, but he shushes me as the puppets walk back in. 

"I understand, meine liebe. Don't worry.."

"I will worry." 

He sighed. "I have something to do. I'm sorry."

"Please don't  leave.." I cried out.


I woke up in my bed crying. 

"Was that supposed to mean something?" I whispered. 

I must've disturbed Him at some point because I heard Him talking to someone outside the door. Could it have been Marvin? Maybe... 

He walked in, and I said nothing. 

I wasn't about to be happy for Him for capturing any of us.

"Oranelle.."  He smiled down at me.

"Yes, sir? Did I wake you?" I said as I laid back down in bed. 

"No, no.." 

"where are the others?"

"They've been dealt with."

I assumed the worst. I couldn't do anything now. Not without help. I was stuck. Nowhere to turn now. Maybe that dream did mean something.

"So they're dead?" I frowned.

"No. They've been tested. They're all rebels, like you."

"I figured as much.."

"Don't get an attitude with me now, puppet."

I held my hand up to my throat. I didn't want to end up like those in my dream.

Cold, lifeless...

Soulless.. almost.


"Will I be able to see them?"

"With me just outside the room, yes."


"Come with me, then."

We walked down the hall to strange double doors. 

The room was dark and seemed empty.

"Boys?" I called out.

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