Sweet green grapes

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You both stare at each other in silence, you begin to analyze him. His chocolate brown hair, his chiseled features, and his muscular body. The silence is broken by your stomach growl. "Let's find some food" he says thoughtfully. You both start down the path into the bush. The jungle is beautiful, the leaves are bright green and glistening with dew. You comb through the leaves struggling to find edible food. You continue to walk and you realize you've lost Nathan. All you can see if leaves and bushes around you, you're included and alone. You begin to panic until you hear a shout. "Y/n! I found something." You follow his  alluring voice. You see him by a large tree with grapes hanging from the branches. "I found some grapes!" He exclaims, smiling to you.  You grab a bunch of grapes from the tree and smile. You start to enjoy the grapes with their sweet crispness. You look up to see Nathan hasn't eaten any yet, without thinking you pick a grape from your bunch and raise it to his lips. You slip it into his mouth slowly. He looks at you and blushes "uuh-" he chews the grape and swallows. He then takes a grape from the tree and lifts the grape to your mouth. You open your mouth and he places the grape on your tongue. You eat the grape and smile at him. "That was kind of weird." He giggles "sorry..." you say pushing a strand of hair behind your ear.

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