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Everything went back to almost normal after our plane landed. Again, I said almost, because today, my hands are laced with Garrett's. Lacy picked us up for dinner that time and she engulf Jared with a kiss and a hug.

"I miss you so much" she said as we all hopped in her cute red SUV. Jared, gave her a warm a smile and a squeeze in her hand. Again, I am so glad that Jared is with her, she's so sweet and caring and I just trust her.

"I miss my Vader..." I said, looking at Garrett who smiled before tackling me with a hug, that earn a giggle from me.

"I bet she already raped Trey or something..." I muttered, remembering how Vader likes boys.

"That won't work, that's like incest. I mean Trey is her uncle" he said, making it sound like Vader is our baby. I chuckled as I rested my head on his shoulders.

We arrived in McDonalds in less than 30 minutes and I ran to the counter to order our food. I miss this place, or better yet, I miss food in general, the hospital kitchen produce food that doesn't satisfy my needs, sometimes I let Garrett eat it. I ordered double cheese burger, a large fries and a big coke float, while Garrett ordered the same thing. He drag me to one of the counter and kissed me even before I have time to breath, my eyes went wide as he gave me a smirk, and a hug.

"What was that for?" I asked.

"Nothing, I mean I can kiss my girlfriend anytime I want to right?" He said, as my cheeks burn when I heard the word girl friend. The fact that he's saying things that made me feel like I'm his makes my insides want to wrestle.

"Of course." I said, burying my face on his chest.

"Not unless she said no of course" I heard Jared said as they sat across us, Garrett let out a chuckle and keep his hands around me.

"She won't say no." Garrett replied as our food came, my cheeks went burning while they were laughing at me.

"What's funny?" I scold at them, Garrett hugged me and kissed my forehead.

"I think the hospital gave you so much blood." He said as I munch on my burger, I have never been this hungry before. Everything taste so good. Even the gravy I asked so I can dip some fries to it. Jared said it's disgusting, earning an approval from Lacy. Garrett on the other hand doesn't care, he have weird things going on in his plate. He just put a good amount of ice cream on his burger and claimed it's the most wonderful thing he tasted in his entire life. Don't do it, I took a bite and it's disgusting.

"You know, we need to have a girls day, I found this spa downtown and I think we should give it a try" Lacy said, as she wrinkled her nose when Garrett took a big bite from his burger.

"Of course. I mean, I totally need that." I said ruffling Garrett's hair. He looked at me and made a sad face.

"What about me?" He asked, keeping his fake sad face, I chuckled and ruffled his hair again.

"You'll have an all boys night or something right Jar?" I asked, as Garrett hugged me, pretending that I'll never be back. Jared snorted and shook his head.

"I've been with them everyday on tour, I think I'm gonna barf if we get another 'boys night out' outside tour" he replied, giving me his signature 'gotcha' look.

"You're evil" Garrett said, imitating Pat's voice and we all laugh.

"This thursday?" Lacy asked, looking at her calendar, I don't even know what day is it now but I nodded, eating the last of my fries.

"We'll have the next three days by ourselves." Garrett whispered, my insides wrestle as he gave me a bear hug. This guy might kill me so soon.

"You guys might actually make me barf" Jared said trying to be funny, I snorted and look at him.

"That's how I feel everyday with you two" I said pointing at the couple in front of us.

Jared drive Lacy's car after dinner and he drop us at Garrett's house, I've been dying to see Vader the whole day, and I ran in their front steps as soon as we were out of the car.

"Whoah there" Garrett said as he open the door for me. His parents were at the living room watching the late night news when we went inside.

"Hi Mr and Mrs. Nickelsen." I greeted them as we reach the living room. Garrett gave him mom a kiss and his dad a bro-five.

"Hi dear, how are you feeling?" His mom asked me, giving me a warm smile.

"I'm doing good." I replied, giving her a hug. Garrett's mom reminds me of my mom, I mean, she's caring too...

"We were worried sick when we found out you were in the hospital" she said, my cheeks were burning and I gave her a thankful smile.

"I always thought there's something wrong with you, so pale..." His dad said, humoring himself. I saw his mom nudge him and he gave a an apologetic smile.

"Well, we'll go up now..." Garrett said, taking my hand as he kissed my forehead.

"Wait, what's going on here?" His mom said, like a reflex, I look at my foot and bite my lower lip like a kid who stole cookies from the jar. Garrett squeeze my hand and let out a sigh.

"What do you mean mom?" He asked, his mom gave out a shriek as his dad gave us a smirk.

"From now own, you don't call me Mrs. Nickelsen, call me Anne." His mom said hugging me. "Uhm okay" I managed to choke out as she's still hugging me.

"It's about time son" his dad said, I scolded at my feet, as his dad gave out a chuckle.

"Loosen your nerves kid, we don't bite." His dad said tapping my back, "I think it's time for a celebration. Anne, bring out the whiskey!" His dad shouted, I look over at Garrett and he gave out a shrug.

"Uhm where's Trey?" I asked, loud enough for his parents to hear.

"Oh he's upstairs petting Vader or something." I heard Anne said, I look at Garrett and some what we understood each other, he excused himself and went upstairs as I went to the kitchen to watch Garrett's parents readying for a celebration, the fact that they're doing this make my heart melt. Maybe it's time to have a new family.

"Pizza, thai, popcorn or chinese?" His dad asked me, I shook my head and said we just ate and he settled for all of the above. My eyes were on them, they were synchronize, every move balance each other, I wonder if Garrett and I move like that as well. My trance was cut off when I heard Vader bark, I look around and I think she's happy to see me, Garrett gave her to me as Trey and him joined us.
"I knew this will happen by the way, I'm just here for the whiskey..." Trey said giving me a smirk, I rolled my eyes and pet Vader. She was on my lap and I am sure she got bigger.

"Trey don't tell me you're feeding Vader your left over..." I said, accessing Vader's weight, Trey snorted.

"As if, your dog is as spoiled as Garrett, won't eat anything but her food, and a lotsa them too." He said, defensing himself. Vader barked once, as if agreeing with Trey.

"You slut." I whispered, as we talked and laugh all night. Honestly, I have never been this happy for so long now. Being with Garrett makes me happy. I just hope this happy streak won't end just yet.

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