Twenty seven

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I drifted to sleep on Garrett's bed while Dave and I were still talking and my dream was about Garrett and I being back to the good times. When we were together to be exact.

"I love you." I heard him whisper, if only I didn't hear Kenny's voice on the background I would have thought it's just a dream.

I opened my eyes and without a doubt I saw Garrett, his blue eyes staring at my face and I just can't help but to smile.

"We just got home. I'm sorry, I'm stinky." He said as his usual comfy scent was replaced with cigarette+beer stink. Kennedy went inside the room to sit beside me on the bed.

"Me too." He said hugging me, he stinks and I had to wrestle my way out of his hug while laughing.

"I can't believe I'm friends with you!!!" I said while laughing, getting the nearest towel I can to both of them asking them to bathe even before showing their faces again, which they did.

"I smell happy vibes!" Jared announced his arrival in the room where I was currently staying.

"I smell drunk." I replied, Jared snorted and smelled his clothes.

"I smell a hobo." He said wrinkling his nose, which made me laugh.

"How was your night?" I asked the obvious while I lay in the bed.

"Awesome! hey, so how was your day? How was his parents?" He asked.

"Ivy league. I wouldn't stay here if it weren't for Dave. His parents hates me. Well, they love me at first but they started asking me about education and well..." I didn't continue, I looked at my cousin who is full of sweat.

"Well, we love you as you are. Education is for the non-badass people!" He said loudly. I snorted and rolled my eyes. He always know how to make me feel better.
"Besides, if Dave really loves you he won't listen to his parents right?" He said, sounding serious.

"Curious question, do we look like we're uhm dating? I mean Dave and I?" I asked, as I munch in my lower lip. Jared gave me a confuse look before giving me his signature 'gotcha look'

"Well, we kind of thought you're using him to make Garrett jealous!" He said while he shakes his head. I want to throw a pillow at him, why would I do that? Dave is a perfect human being and I can't hurt him like that.

"Well, fyi I'm not. And we're just friends. Now, if you'll excuse me I need to sleep." I said closing my eyes while I hear my cousin cackle.

"In Garrett's room?"

"Fine." I said, walking pass him to get to the room assigned to me. The one next to Dave's bedroom.

"Good night to you too!" I heard Jared called after me. Wow, so they all think I'm using Dave to make Garrett jealous? Well, except John because he talked to me about not leading Dave somewhere else right? And I did made everything clear, I told the doctor that "we" can't happen because I'm inlove with Garrett.

I don't even know what's bothering me right now, is it the fact that I am once again hurting people, or the fact that I end up looking like an arrogant selfish bitch who does nothing else that doesn't benefit her. I just feel that there is something not right. I fished my phone and dialed Lacy's number, it's been a while since I talked to someone logical of the same sex. Not that I'm saying that my cousins aren't 'logical', they just thinks that I should fag Dave because he's perfect.

"Yeahlow?" Her familiar voice answered.


"Nike?" She said, as I hear Vader barked on the backround.

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