𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞 | Questions

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[Leslie's Perspective]

Hovering over the cliff, my mouth was still agape from shock. Even a person without acrophobia would be traumatized with this sight. I estimated the drop to be more than enough to take a life. Survival was out of the question once you fall into the cliff. I felt my body trembling and almost failed at staying put. Once I calmed down, I began to walk.

Facing away from the cliff, I observed the horizon. I assumed I was far away from the House because I couldn't spot it even when I was already overlooking the trees.

I continue to walk. I tried not to look at the cliff at all.

I reached a dead end. However, it was an intersection that led to two more paths. Standing in the middle, I noticed that the other side of the intersection was symmetrical to the intersection I was from.

Maybe the path to the outside world was hindered by a cliff. But who knew we had a neighboring area just on the other side?

I continued to scout the area and encountered five intersections. I was starting to visualize the shape of the area: a hexagon.

I already had so many questions in mind when I spotted a low bridge that leads to the outside world.

"What...?" I whispered.

Was that the only exit to this...hexagon-shaped place? Throughout my search, I noticed the place was surrounded by the cliff, so it means we're practically stuck in here and this bridge is the only pathway-

What is that?

It was a man, no it was a...humanoid looking creature sporting a black suit and cape wAiT wHaT?? I have never been so confused in my life. I squinted to get a better look but my eyes were playing tricks on me.

He—or she, who knows—looked really human but I was certain that he wasn't because he had...err long nails and weird feet?

oKaY hE's nOt hUmAn WHAT IS THAT????

Before I could even process what I was witnessing, it suddenly turned to my direction and looked straight at me.

He had...two big eyes...vertically aligned?? And is that a mask??

I crouched in shock but I knew I was still seen so I dashed back to the Hou-

I panicked.

Was I lost?

Either way, I didn't stop until I heard my name being called in the distance.

"LESLIE!" I heard faint cries from afar.

The rope I tied to a tree branch flew past my face. It was still there. I was home.

I held onto the rope and flung myself into the air until I landed on the ground.

"Leslie?" I heard Isabella. She's close.

I quickly undone the ropes and put them back in the tree hole. Then I hid behind a bush.

"Huh. I don't think he would be here." I heard Isabella when she reached the wall. "That's so stupid of me, why would he even break the rules and cross the fence-"


"GHAH- LESLIE??" Isabella jumped two feet from the ground.

"HAHAHA got you." I laughed.

"Fine, you did. You finally had your payback." she whined "You can stop laughing now."

I calmed down and sighed.

"I've never seen you so happy." she teased.

"Eh, I'm always happy when I'm with you." I blushed a bit.

"Thanks! Me too!" Isabella said and skipped away, completely oblivious about what I meant.

Well that went well.

I wanted to ask her about the wall, but then the bell rang, signifying playtime was over. The sky was also beginning to dim.

"Let's go, Leslie." she looked back at me.

"Okay!" I ran towards her.

We returned to the House and prepared for dinner. After setting the plates, I went to the bathroom.

I looked at the mirror. I looked at my reflection. I looked at the person on the other side and stared into his eyes.

I began to question my sanity.

What is this place? Was my judgement of fantasy and reality clouded? What creature was that?

The numbers tattoed on my neck appeared behind my collar.


I'm sure these aren't birthmarks, but rather stamped on us by mankind. If it were, it would look more natural, but no. These are too systematically perfect to be considered "natural." Just what are these numbers for? Is this a prison rather than an orphanage? Is that why Mama forbids us to cross the fence and go to the gate? Because we're being held captive inside?

How about that creature? I read in books that the world didn't have such. But what if all these books are just fantasy and this is the reality? Which am I supposed to believe?

I'm so confused. My mind was beginning to spin.


I jumped a bit. I looked back at the doorway. It was Fleo.

"We're going to eat!" he said.

"Coming!" I replied.

At the end of the day, I still have no idea what is going on.



I looked at Isabella, who was sitting across me.

"Are you okay? You were staring at your food for quite a while." she asked.

"Sorry. Hehe Uhm... I'm just tired from playing tag." I lied.

"Oh okay. Eat up, your food's getting cold." she smiled and continued chatting with the others.

I have so many questions. I have to find answers. I'm going to uncover the secrets of Grace Field House.

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