Chapter Three

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"Alright girls, I'm trusting you to take good care of this place while I'm away." Sarah stood across from Lucy and Rachel at the counter of Tranquillitea, bags sitting beside her on the floor. It was early Saturday morning and the store wasn't yet open. Sarah was about to head off for the weekend, but not before making sure they knew exactly what they were doing.

"Everything will be fine," Lucy replied, walking around from behind the counter to help Sarah with her bags. "I'll make sure Rachel behaves herself." She winked at Sarah and waved Rachel off as she began to protest. "Come on, let's get your things in the car."

Lucy followed Sarah outside and waited while she put her bags on the backseat before she took the last one from Lucy. "Just call me, anytime, if you need anything," Sarah said as she climbed into her car and started the engine. "Day or night."

"We will," Lucy responded. "And thank you for letting us stay at your place tonight."

"It's fine. I just appreciate someone taking care of Salem for me." Sarah quickly checked that her phone had connected to her car stereo, then began backing out of her driveway. "Oh, and tell the boys not to trash my home tonight!" She laughed at what Lucy imagined was a look of shock on her face.

"Oh, Sarah, we weren't..."

"It's fine, Lucy," Sarah cut her off. "Just clean up any mess." She waved out the window as she drove off up the street.

Lucy laughed and waved back before exhaling loudly.

Riley was out the front of the café when she walked around the corner, busily tapping away on his phone.

"Hey Riley! What are you doing here so early?"

He finished his text and shoved his phone in his back pocket. "I need coffee," he said, brushing his messy hair from his face. The dark circles under his eyes said he had been up all night on his computer. "Good coffee."

Lucy laughed. "Come on in then. We'll make you an extra shot. You look like you need it."

Riley followed her into the café and plonked himself down on a stool at the main counter. "Mind if I hang out here with you guys today? My folks are remodeling the main bathroom at the moment and if I have to listen to one more argument about floor tiles, I may spontaneously combust."

Rachel rolled her eyes. "A little melodramatic of you, but that's fine. Your table in the back is permanently reserved." She handed him his coffee and he hung his head over it, inhaling deeply.

"Ah, the lifesaving gift that is coffee," he said, taking a sip.

"You're such a dork." Rachel watched on with an expression that said she didn't really mean what she was saying, her mouth turned up on one side in an almost adoring smile at her oldest friend. "Go on, go sit back there and play on your computer."

Riley grinned back at her. "Thank you, Queen of the Coffee Kingdom." He gave an elaborate bow after he swung out of his seat. Grabbing his backpack and coffee, he took his place at his favourite table in the back.

Lucy laughed. Their playful banter was such a comfort. Rachel and Riley were almost as in tune as she and Jared were. Best friends for life. It sounded cheesy and cliché, but they were the quintessential lifelong buddies. She could imagine the two of them still throwing insults back and forward when they are too old to even hear what the other is saying – Riley, with his nose still firmly planted in his computer, probably writing an article on the poor quality of the nursing home food, and Rachel, knitting yet another multi-coloured sweater.

She felt so much love for them and it frightened her a little. Like allowing herself to feel that kind of happiness meant that she was taunting the karmic gods, and they would take it all away with a snap of their fingers.

The Empaths (Book one in The Empaths series)Where stories live. Discover now