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"Alright, the animals didn't like our last TV idea, we need something else," stated a Yellow Labrador. His fur had been neatly groomed, giving a small shine in the overhead florescent lights of the office meeting room.

At a table, different anthropomorphic animals sat, all in business suits or button up shirts. A cheetah with glasses looked up. Her short, well kept soft fur complimenting her dark amber eyes.

"Well, no one seems to like cooking shows a full grown ram accidently cursed at kids. I got over five hundred calls of parents threatening to sue us cause Gordon Ramsey slipped in one 'f' word," she stated, looking at the Labrador.

"Cops shows are becoming boring. No matter how much freedom we give the directors, no one can seem to make something remotely interesting," chimed a Grizzly, head on his paw in a bored manner.

A small otter mumbled under her breath, looking away from the fellow Predators, who didn't seem to mind her.

"Don't forget soap operas. The only audiences we're attracting with that is old animals and those drama loving ones. Which reminds me, did anyone else see The Bold and the Fluffiest last night?" asked an older vulture.

"What about another show about vets?"

"Too boring, maybe a sci-fi story based show?"

"I think a good musical will cheer animals up nowadays!"

More and more animals tried to talk over each other, the room getting louder and louder as everyone tried to get their opinions in.

The small otter gulped slightly, her dark eyes darting to her co-workers. "Um... I have an idea..." she mumbled, thought it was lost in the sea of suddenly snapping animals.

"Fantasy, those always draw viewers in!"

"No, no, a sitcom!"

The Yellow Lab pinched the bridge of his snout, taking a deep breath. He looked up, dark brown eyes having a fed up look to them.

"Pipe down, everyone. We won't go anywhere with this," he said in a oddly calm voice, gaining everyone's attention. The Labrador didn't yell, but everyone in the room could feel he was becoming impatient by their lack of good answers. The cheetah cleared her throat, scooting her chair closer to the table, fixing her tan dress blouse.

"Mr. Dio, I suggest we have another paranormal show. They've recently gone up in ratings and viewers," she suggested.

"M... maybe we can," the otter tried to state, getting cut off by Mr. Dio, the Labrador.

"Miss Belle, I love your ideas, truly, I do... but I don't think we need another paranormal related show. Not sure if the budget can handle how many props we would have to use."

The Labrador sighed, looking at the other animals, resting his paws on the table. Miss Belle, the cheetah, nodded slightly, though her mouth was shut.

The old vulture's eyes glanced around, ruffling his feathers slightly. "Perhaps another soap opera?"

Mr. Dio glared at him. "No. Mr. Grillz?"

The Grizzly looked over, chin still on his large paw. "The only idea I can think of at the moment is another children's show," he answered. The dog rose a paw, resting his head in it. He took a deep breath, puffing though his nose in irritation.

"C-could we try a-" the otter tried again.

"Mr. Grillz, I understand your head of staff in animation, but we need something else. If anyone has any ideas, speak up. We leave in ten minutes."

The otter fiddled with her paws, her blue blouse's collar feeling like it was choking her. This was her only shot at getting the CEO's attention, she couldn't lose it, not now! She took a deep breath, jaws open to speak, before the vulture chimed in.

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