Chapter 2 | Audition for a Second Chance

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Apologies for this being so late! A lot of things happened, so this is very much indeed late.

Anyways, here you go!


         Swiftwaters looked at the paper in her paws, looking over the audition list. Five pages worth of names, both sides, filled with hundreds and hundreds of names. This was much better then she ever dreamed!

Ms. Belle sat in the seat next to her in the limo, one leg crossing the other as she looked over her clipboard. The cheetah marked off things on papers, her long tail curling on the floor of the car.

"Your schedule is filled, but luckily I was able to get today free for you so you could personally attend the audition preformances. With how many though, I believe we can only attention the first hundred, Ms. Swiftwaters." The otter looked up to the cheetah, nervously shuffling her front paws.

Sixteen animals were going to be chosen to attend The Masked Singer. There were going to be a lot of disappointed animals... maybe she could give some of them special front row seats as an apology!

No, no, she couldn't, she couldn't do that. She wanted to be kindhearted, but it could hurt the studio if she did that.

Ms. Belle's dark amber eyes looked down at the nervous otter. "Judging by that look on your face, you're having second thoughts on all this."

Ms. Swiftwaters jumped at her voice, shuffling in her seat. "I-I'm not, just... thinking. So many animals are going to be upset... some of them might really need the money..."

The cheetah gave a small sigh, taking her red rimmed glass off and clipping them to her reddish-tan blouse.

"Ms. Swiftwaters, let me just go ahead and tell you this. If they are is such need from money, they will do their absolute best out there today. They would do anything to get on that stage and win."

The brown and cream colored otter looked up at the feline, her dark doe brown eyes having a small look of anxiety. "I... I guess so."

Slowly the limo pulled to a stop in front of the studios, the back window rolling down, a brown bear in the driver's seat. "We're here, ladies. Let me come and let you out."


   Chris stood in the back of the stage with other aninals, a number placed on his chest with the number '024' on it. He had made sure to come early, even before the sun even started to show its face at dawn.

He tried to make himself look good; fur brushed until it shine, wore his best clothes, and definitely made sure to get a shower as a hope to not smell like the slumps of the city.

He had to make sure every thing was perfect, he had to earn a place here if he wanted to show Winter and get his well overdue time with Jess.

"Man, I knew it was going to be big, but this is way too much!" Chris' eyes looked to the side of him, spotting the animal that spoke to him.

It was a turtle, a normal large shell on his back with smooth yet scaly skin and blood red eyes. He had a small anxious look on his face, beginning to rub his wrists in a nervous manner.

Chris gave a nod. "Yeah, I don't think I've ever seen so many animals under one roof. This place is enormous."

The turtle glance to him, giving a small quiet laugh. "You could say that again. I'm Jesse." the turtle, Jesse, held out his hand. Chris smiled, taking it.

"Name's Chris, nice to meet you, Jesse. Nervous?" he asked. The reptilian gave a small shake of the head as a small anxious sounding laugh escape him.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2020 ⏰

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