CHAPTER 3// First Blood

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Japan yawned as the sun began to set. Italy sat in silence, head down. His hat covered his eyes. It was about nightime, Kaz was asleep already, glued to Russia's back. She was very light to Russia, so he barely noticed, talking to Finland about his relationship with Russia's half brother, Estonia.
Belarus had already gone to her room like half of the other countries.
Phillip played with his shoes, listening to Russia's ever-changing conversation.
Finland held his hands out as wide as he could.
"It was about this big! you should have seen it Russia."
Russia chuckled. "I bet you didn't catch a fish that big."
Finland tilted his head. "You calling me a lier?"
"I guess I am."
Finland laughed. "Oh man- you can't be serious!" between laughs, he turned back to his BoyFriend. "Est, show Russ the Picture." Estonia nodded, pulling a  phone from his scarf. He quickly found the picture, handing it to Russia.
Russia put his hand on his chin. "Hmmm.."
Phillip cut in, pointing to the picture. "That's totally photoshopped."
Finland looked up at Phillip, shaking his head. "no it isn't."
"Yeah it is, no one can catch a fish that big."
Finland took the phone and put it in his pocket. "Whatever Phillip."
"I'm just kidding, I know you're a great fishermen, I was just trying to be a smarta-" Phillip was interupted by Estonia, who covered Kazakhstan's ears, even if she was sleeping.
"They're are children present Phil."
"good point Est." Finland smiled, thinking of Estonia being a dad, he blushed.
Russia picked his teeth with a tooth pick, unamused by the whole conversation.
when he placed the pick down, it was quickly stolen by Iceland.
why is she so weird? Russia thought.
"Can I hold your sister?" Estonia asked the Russian.
"She isn't a baby Est." Russia replied, his Russian accent strong. "Plus, she's sleeping."
"Can I pet her?" Romania asked with Iceland in unison.
Russia blinked. "Pet?"
Iceland nodded. "I heard kids love it." She smiled.
Russia shook his head. "HeT."
"Please??" Iceland asked again.
Russia's tone darkened. "HeT." he said again, but slowly.
Iceland and Romania looked at each other, then shrugged. Romania flapped his little bat wings as the two went into the house.
Russia sighed. Everyone else had gone inside. The cold wind moved the ear flaps of his hat, his alternate clothes was a navy blue sweatshirt and his ocasional White scarf. He wore it instead of his blue t-shirt today since it was a bit cooler. Kazakhstan hugged Russia tighter, trying to keep warm.
Russia noticed, placing his hat on her square head awkwardly as they went inside.

Romania looked at the ceiling in their bedroom that they were sharing. Iceland layed on her stomach, scrapbooking the creepy pictures she took of other countries. The house was sleep, it seemed like they were the only ones awaked still. It had been a few hours since they went inside.
Romania flapped his small bat wings, sitting up.
"What time is it?"
Iceland looked at her phone.
"About 12:02."
Romania smacked his lips twice. "You know what, I'm kinda thirsty."
"Same, but I'm too lazy to leave the room." Iceland laughed. "guess I'll die."
Romania looked at the door, his mouth becoming ever so slightly parched.
"Hey Iceland, wanna come with me to get some water?"
Iceland looked up from her picture book, messing with her gloves. "Really? get water? But it's dark."
"Yeah but I'm SO thirsty." Romania gave her puppy dog eyes. "Please...."
Iceland rolled her eyes, touching Romania's shoulder. "You're so weird." she said before getting up.
Romania shot up, getting decent pants on. When he opened the door, they were met by a dark hallway. they went though the dark 3 story house blindly, holding out their hands.
"Ugh." Iceland complained. "Should have brought the phone."
"yes, we need the sun to return." Romainia joked, chuckling a bit. He could feel hsi cheeks warm up whe Iceland laughed at his terrible joke.
Romania stopped in his tracks. Two white eyes floated a rew meters away from them, unblinking.
Iceland bumped into the slightly bigger yellow country.
"Why'd you stop?"
"There's someone here."
Romania put his hands down and stared at the black figure.
Romania slowly got closer to the figure, then it reacted. With a slash of grey metal, it swung at Iceland, missing her by millimeters. She gave a small scream before hitting the ground.
Once it tried again, Romania stood his ground, just to get knocked over with a thump. He was about to scream, but cold metal cut into his throat.
Iceland screamed, scooting away. The eyes looked up, a erie smile crept up in the darkness. It tried to stab her, but it was pushed weakly by Romania's leg, resulting in it missing.
In a mere second, it span around, stabbing Romania a last time, then to Iceland, ending her fight in one blow.
It even had spare time to tear Romania's cold wings from his body before it heard the others.

Shortly after it had left, Canada came out of his room with Austrailia, holding a phone for a flashlight.
"Hello? Hey who's screaming?" Austrailia asked, looking around the room.
"I think I heard it from this way." Canada pointed down the hall, speeding up when they found blood.
Austrailia stopped, looking down at the horror of what had just happened. Canada fell to the ground, throwing up.
"HELP! Someone! HELP!" Canada cried loudly.
New Zealand turned on the light, revealing the horror to everyone.
Belarus grabbed Kazakhstan, covering her eyes.
Romania and Iceland layed on the ground, both stabbed to death. Iceland's blue gloves were missing adn Romania's wings layed on the ground, seperate from his body.
Japan made it to the secene late, along with Phillip, but both stood in shock.
North Korea looked down at the bodies, quivering, thanking the universe it hadn't been him. Israel shook his head, shutting the two countries eyes, whispering something in Hebrew.
Italy pushed though the crowd, adjusting his hat.
"One of us in here is a cold-blooded murderer."

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