CHAPTER 7// Tootsie Roll

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Countries remaining: America, Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Japan, Ukraine, Germany, Finland, Vietnam, Estonia, Poland [MISSING], Canada, Phillip, Aussy, New Zealand, China. Israel, North and South Korea

All heads turned to the voice, Russia was surprised when he saw who it was. Little Kazahstan held her hand in the air, waving it as if the teacher was taking forever to pick on you.
Belarus raised an eyebrow. "You want to watch North Korea?"
Kaz nodded.

Phillip tilted his head. "don't you think he's scary?" He asked the small country.
Kazakhastan looked at North, who waved weakly, then looked away. "mmmm- a little, but that's why I want to get to know him better."
Ukraine looked at his siblings. "Do you think we should let her do it?"
Belarus nodded. "no one else will."
Russia narrowed his gaze. "What if he kills her?"
North Korea folded his arms, he didn't like being accused. "For the last time, I'm not the killer." He said spitefully. "Don't just assume I am when I have done nothing."
Everyone was quiet- but in agreement. America took the stand.
"Ok then, Estonia, Ukraine, Italy , and Finn are a group. South, Japan, Canada, you're coming with me." he pointed to himself with his thumb.
"Aussy, I guess you can go with Viet and China.... Phillip as well, New Zealand, you can go with Germany and Israel."
Everyone nodded, parting ways, leaving North Korea and Kazakhstan alone.
Kaz sat in a chair across from North, dangling her legs.
it was silent for a few minutes before Kaz chimed.

"I'm sorry for bumping into you earlier."
North looked up, half spaced out. "W..hat?"
"I said-" Kaz took a small breath. "I'm sorry I bumped into you."
North nodded, then looked away. "..."
"Why were you yelling at your brother?" She asked.
"Because he's annoying." North growled, tapping his fingers on the table. "And I Think he's inmature, his music's gross, he has no respect for war, he's imcompetent... the list goes on."
Kaz tilt her head. "But I like my brothers."
"Yeah, well I'm different, I'm not-" He stopped himself. "I'm not 'nice'."
Kaz pulled out half of the toostsie roll that Ame gave her earlier. "Here."

"I don't want it." North Korea looked serious, but this didn't faze Kazakhstan.
"You need it more than I do, you can give it to your brother, like to say sorry."
"I don't say sorry, it shows weakness, and I don't give things to my enemies."
Kazakhstan grabbed North Korea's hand, he jumped to the sudden touch. Both of her hands could fit onto his. She opened it gentally, placing the candy on his palm.
"Dad told me that you keep your friends close and your enimies closer."
North Korea looked down at the Tootsie roll in his hand, then put it in his pocket. He sighed.
"Mr. North."
North Korea replied with a small groan, looking down at Kazakhstan.
She sighed, "Why do people die?"
North's eye widened. He didn't know. He thought of something to say.
"They can die for lots of reasons, as long as it's not someone I know, I don't care."

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