Chapter 4

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"It's beautiful here," I told Liam. It was true. It was green with trees here and there and healthy grass. Not too far away there is a beautiful lake shimmering from the warm sunlight. It was within a walking distance of the two story house that we were meant to live in and the ginormous barn that had to be around 3 stories.

"It is. We're going to actually be living here. This had to be some big time money," Liam said while looking at the house. The house was adorable. I loved everything about it. It was a faded yellow with a neat front yard that had beautiful flowers growing along side the porch. There were steps leading to the porch and it seemed to have come straight from my dreams. There was a beautiful white porch swing hanging from the roof a few feet away from a rustic looking brown door. Windows were on either side of the door with white trimming. Truly a beautiful house, and it was all ours.

The barn next to it looked like a standard red barn, the only thing that made it seems different from the old folk stories was the fact that it was taller than the house. Well it is supposed to have a lot of stuff in it I guess.

"Whoever the hell designed this place was very good at their job. I love it!" Liam said with a wide grin.

When the word hell slipped from his lips I couldn't stop myself from flinching. I do not like that kind of language, and Liam definitely noticed.

If it was even possible his grin became wider. "Ava... do you not like curse words?" I felt myself crash into myself a bit. This is embarrassing.

"Not particularly," I said so quietly I wasn't even sure if he could hear me.

"Why the hell is that?" He asked while still maintaining his grin.

This guy is sort of a jerk. A hot jerk but still a jerk.

I pouted a bit but ultimately decided not to entertain him.

"Oh my! I married either a stuck up person or an innocent person," he chuckled while I felt myself blush. I am not stuck up! At least I don't think I am. A part of me was getting extremely mad over this little comment despite another part of me knowing it's a joke.

"Well if I am stuck up at least I wasn't dumb enough to actually consider agreeing to their monitoring," I stated defensively. I looked away from his now shocked face and stormed into the barn to see my medical equipment. I need something that will seem familiar to me right now.

"Wait a second!" I heard Liam call out behind me. I burst through the heavy barn doors leaving my fabulous husband behind me.

Ignoring this floor that was Liam's mechanic equipment and going straight to the stairs in the corner I began to climb til I reached the second floor. The second floor was the doctors office. Obviously they're not thinking either one of us is going to be too hurt or they would've made this the first floor so we didn't have to carry each other up here.

I walked around checking out all the equipment and supplies and miraculously as soon as I saw the item I was able to put a name to it. A patient bed was in the far left back corner and I went to it. It's a Gatch Bed (a patient bed with wheels) this one was specifically used for surgery. Hopefully I won't have to use that. I turned in a full circle til something else caught my eye. An ultrasound machine next to it was another Gatch Bed.

I continued walking towards the ultrasound machine and then sat in a chair that was close by and just stared at the machine. Liam and I will hopefully be using that machine soon. We're supposed to use it. People are counting on us being able to use it.

After a few minutes I felt a presence behind me. Must be Liam who else could it possibly be I concluded. Without turning I called out to him," I'm sorry that I exploded at you. I was being unfair."

I heard some shuffling til Liam in his beautiful glory was kneeling down in front of me on both knees. He was gorgeous with his hair sticking up in all directions. It always gets like that when he's worried, he can't stop running his hands through his hair. I smile a little bit at the thought.

"It wasn't unfair. I went out of my way to tease you. With everything going on I'm surprised you didn't punch me. I shouldn't have assumed something about you when we can't even remember anything about what we were like," he apologized.

"It's alright I kind of did the same with the monitoring comment. I shouldn't have called you dumb," I apologize right back.

He smiled and got up. He held out his hand for me to take... so I did. He pulled me up and then took my chair. I frowned a bit confused til he pulled me back down and had me sit in his lap.

"My knees where getting tired," he explained with a smile and digging his head into the crook of my neck with content.

My cheeks are burning right now. We're so close I can feel his steady heart beat. Wait if I can feel his heart beat he can feel mine too! Calm down heart don't give us away.

We sat in a comfortable silence for a bit til I noticed him wearing a big smile.

"What are you smiling about all creepily," I asked him even though his smile really was handsome and made me feel very happy for some reason.

"Are you sure you want to know my dear wife?" Liam asked me with an even bigger smile.

I leaned back a bit to look at him better. I squinted my eyes and pretended cough actually cough to examine his handsome face.

"Yes?" I asked him now unsure if I truly wanted to know.

"Well I was thinking about why you would possibly not want the monitoring," he stated looking at me with a smirk. I felt my face turn red and my eyes widen." So what is a good reason my wife wouldn't want us being watched."

He is very amused right now. Ohhh you could just tell he was.

He pulled me tight against his hard chest trapping me there with his solid arms. I'm not sure if I like where this is going or not. "So tell me wife why exactly you don't want us being monitored," he whispered in my ear. I don't like this. I feel too uncomfortable!

"I..I," I stared at him getting more flustered by the second. Quickly I closed my eyes to try and restart my thinking. No wonder I married him if he affects me this much.

"I don't think I need to explain," I said quickly to him and tried to escape his arms.

He just laughed and held me tighter. "Oh wifey you're not getting away that easily. In fact I'm not letting you go without you telling me why."

I think my burning cheeks are going to fall off. Geez I hate this... but do I?

I covered my face with my hands trying to save myself from his reaction.

"I.. I didn't want anybody to," I stopped really not wanting to have to finish my sentence.
"You didn't want anybody to what sweetheart?" Liam asked me innocently. You are not innocent you devil in a beautiful, beautiful disguise.
"I didn't want anybody to see us naked," I said very fast and in one breath.

The fact that I actually answered made Liam start laughing. His laughing seemed to take most of his energy since his hold loosened enough for me to make an escape from him.

"Oh look at your adorable face!" He said through wheezes. Oh shut up. "You're definitely not stuck up you're just super innocent that has become crystal clear."

I stuck out my tongue at him childishly and left the barn with him following close behind me.

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