Chapter 15 - Phone call

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There were times when we were so busy, I didn't have time to think about the girl I'd left behind. Those were the less painful moments. Like when we performed last night. That feeling never gets old.

Having Amelia with us was great for Tris and the guys but for me all it did was remind me of Holly. Where was she? Is she ok? We phoned at least once a day, she'd complain about still not being offered a job, stressed about Amelia; was Tris treating her right? Had she had any panic attacks?

So far Amelia was better than ok. She was over the moon with happiness. I barely ever saw her without a smile on her face. Today I was still waiting for Holly to call.

The boys said everything was fine and that Holly was ok, but I couldn't shake the feeling something bad had happened.

"Mate cheer up!" Brad handed me some orange juice which I didn't feel like drinking. "You'd think you've just watched way too many sad movies."

I looked at Brad in amusement, only he would say something as lame as that.

"You weird weird boy." I shook my head and sipped the orange juice.

"Look, we're going back to Bournemouth soon aren't we?" Brad reminded me. "You'll be able to see her then."

"Yeah but after that we're off to America." I sighed and for the first time in my career I almost wished I could be a normal guy who wasn't anyone famous. Then Holly and I would be so much easier to figure out.

"We'll persuade her to come with us if need be!" Brad put his arm round my shoulder in a bro like manner and I felt so pleased he was with me. "But there's not much you can do about her here is there? So just enjoy being in a new place yeah?"

Just then my phone started buzzing and I jumped with anticipation.

"Holly?" I answered quickly.

"Hey Con." She sounded completely deflated.

"What's happened? Are you ok?" I couldn't hide the worry in my voice.

There was a long sigh and then I heard a slight sob, which broke my heart.

"I...I'm just missing my sister and parents. Gary, he came round asking for sex and I refused him and he hit me." Her reply made me tense with loathing for that guy. "M...most of all I miss you."

"I'm coming back." I decided as soon as I heard her break down.

Brad nudged me, frowning but I felt so guilty for leaving her.

" you can't." She was trying to be brave, but I wasn't stupid. I knew she needed to let someone support her. "It's ok anyway, an old friend has come to stay with me for a bit."

"Can I speak to them?" I asked, desperate to protect her in anyway I could.

"Urm yeah." There was a sound of rustling. "Spike he wants to talk."

"Hi Connor." A guys voice made me stop in my tracks as jealously took hold, but then I kicked myself mentally.

"Spike, I don't know who you are but Holly is so fragile right now. I'm trusting you to protect her from that guy ok? I'll be back tomorrow." I thought that would be the end but Spike whispered urgently to me.

"I will look after her, but she thinks she can take care of herself. She won't report Gary or anything! We need to get her out of his dump it's not healthy." He insisted, so much caring in his voice.

"We will talk when I get there." I promised, totally agreeing. "Can you pass me back to Holly?"

"Yeah, bye."

A pause then Holly was back on, my stomach clenching with longing to be with her.

"What did you say to him?" She asked wearily.

"To look after you, while I can't." I said honestly.

"I don't want..." She stopped and sobbed again. "I don't want to make my problems other peoples problems."

"We're here to shoulder the burden with you Holly!" I just wanted to hold her in my arms so she'd know she was safe. "You don't have to face everything alone."

"Thank you." She breathed deeply. "I'm just not used to this."

"I know, you've kept it all in for ages but now, slowly you can start to heal." I said, feeling a little emotional.

"Con," Brad interrupted us. "You can't just leave tomorrow?"

"I need to be with her." I said, hand over the speaker so she couldn't hear. I felt like my heart was being squeezed so tightly, it would only be losened if I was with Holly. "Drive down with me?"

Brad rolled his eyes and nodded, understanding how important this was to me.

"Holly, me and Brad will drive down too you ok?" I wanted to make sure she was ok with it.


We said our goodbyes, and hung up.

"Mate do you think we should really drive all that way?" Brad seemed unconvinced, being the practical one. "What about the fan meetings?"

"Gary came in asking for sex and then hit her when she refused."

Brads eyes widened with shock.

"Is she ok?" Suddenly practical Brad was gone, he had to help me save her.


Thanks for reading :)

Do you think Holly will let Con save her?

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