Day 131: Slaves to the Sun.

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The sun, it rises over us all; commanding each day to begin.

Like sheep, we follow its blinding lead; we are but slaves within.

Working ourselves to the bone; as humans we do what we can.

But nothing's ever enough for the sun, reigning its might over this land.

Far too eagerly, we wait on its call; a Heavenly being, it looks down on us all.

Never shall we know what goes through its mind, words profound and true.

Wisdom that one day may save humanity, save the souls of me and you.

Whatever happened to individuality? Who follows their own mind anymore...

Each night I pray that somebody does, as mostly, we're robots to the core.

As horrific as such a situation may seem, perhaps there still lies some hope.

That one day we may wake up and realise... We just have to cut the rope.

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