Chapter Two - A Griever In The Woods (Stiles' POV)

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CW: Guns, mentions of past abduction, past loss of loved ones, swearing, mentions of past non-consensual human experimentation, injury and violence, mentions of death/dying

A twig snapped, I spun and aimed. Scott raised his hands and I lowered my gun. "Dude! Don't sneak up on me. Are you trying to get yourself killed?"

"Killed? Why do you even have a-"

Bushes rustled to my left and I shushed Scott. On high alert, I turned to where a brunette boy emerged.


My defenses dropped but Scott blocked me, chest puffed. Yeah, this isn't gonna end well.

"It's okay, I know him." I said, pushing past Scott to hug Minho. "I've missed ya' shank."

"I told you you sounded like a slinthead using Glader slang."

Scott pulled me from Minho's arms. "Who's this? And what's a shank or a slinthead or a glad-"

"-Let. Him. Go." Min' said, as he reached for his concealed knife. Okay, time to shut this down.

"Min' it's okay and Scott this is Minho."

"Who's Minho?" Scott said.

My hands shook. No one but the FBI and Dad knows the truth but, if a Griever attacks he needs the basics. Inhaling, I tightened my grip on the gun to stop my hands shaking. "When I disappeared in grade ten it wasn't Gerard. It was WCKD."

"WCKD? Like-"

"-Yes. They kidnapped and experimented on us. On Minho and I. We lost friends, family, and a lot of really, really bad shit happened. And that crea-" A tree fell and we all leapt to the side, missed by mere centimetres. My gun now in pieces under the tree. "Run!" I screamed. "Griever!"

We all stood and ran from the fallen tree. What to do? What to-I stopped running and faced the Griever.

"Hey ugly!" I turned ninety degrees to the ravine and the Griever followed, cutting off Scott and Minho. No Griever hole, but a two hundred metre cliff would do.

Scott called my name and I glanced back to see him and Minho trailing the Griever. What are they doing? A distraction shouldn't get us all killed.

I stopped at the edge of the cliff, knees bent. "Come on Grievy what cha' waiting for?"

It pounced and I jumped to the left, landing hard on my side, knocking the wind out of me. I turned my head to check the cliff. Oh, fuck.

Spindly metal legs planted into the cliff side, bending at the joint to pull the Griever up. It crawled over top of me, but I lay still, too dazed to move.

"Thomas!" Minho yelled, running towards me.

"No stay bac-" The Griever whipped a leg back sending Minho flying into a tree, with a terrible crack. "Min!" He lay limp, eyes open but floating around his head unseeing.

I looked back to the atrocity above me. This is it. This is the end. Goodbye cruel- the ground shook as Scott howled and transformed into a wolf. He bounded at the Griever knocking it off balance. It tipped over the edge, scrapping my chest with a stinger as it fell. My vision whited out and I yelled, chest burning.

A/N: Thanks for reading. Love any comments. -Bea.

A Griever In The Woods - WCKD'S Back Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now