Chapter Four - Two Gladers In The Clinic (Scott's POV)

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CW: Past death of a loved one, possible forced captivity, sedatives/non-consensual drugging, death/dying, hospitalisation, needles, poisoning, swearing, injury, amnesia/memory loss

"No. You must have felt wrong, no one's gonna-" Stiles shot up, hyperventilating.

"What's going on? Where am I?" His eyes surveyed the room, landing on the semi-conscious boy and Lydia. "Minho! Minho! Get off him!" He slid off the table and stumbled towards Lydia, shoving her to the floor.

Stiles knelt shaking Minho's shoulders. "Min'? Min'? Minho, can you hear me?"

"Wuh' happened?" Minho slurred.

"I don't know the last thing I remember is Newt he-he-please just stand up. "

"I can't."

"Damnit Min'," Stiles said, voice dripping with panic. Who is Newt? Why is he freaking out? I raised my arms and approached him like a wild animal. He needs to calm down before he has a panic attack.

"Stop before you hurt both of you more. You're safe. You're at Deat- "

"-Safe?" He rolled his eyes. "With WCKD?"

My stomach dropped. No. No, no, no. "Stiles, who am I?"

"I don't know, some jacked WCKD worker. Better question what the fuck is a Stiles? Now get out of my way before I make... 'fore I may..." He swayed, words slurring.

Stiles collapsed to the ground revealing Deaton with a syringe.

"Now... will someone explain what's going on?" Deaton said.

Lydia stood, eyes watering. "Stiles. He's dead."

A Griever In The Woods - WCKD'S Back Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now