Chapter Three - Panic In The Clinic (Scott's POV)

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CW: Injury, non-consensual manhandling (not sexual assault), blood, mentions of death/dying, possible abduction/forced captivity, hospitalization, poisoning

The Griever plummeted off the cliff and I morphed back into a human, running to Stiles. Shirt torn, blood pooling below him and cut leaking silver liquid, he screamed bloody murder.

"Stiles it's okay. I've got you!" I tried to yell over his screams. "It's okay, Stiles. It's-" Stiles quieted, body rigid, eyes glassy and scanning side to side like he was reading. Heart pounding, I called his name to no avail. Come on, Scott think. Think, think, thi- Deaton. He'll know what to do. I ripped my shirt, pressed it on Stiles' chest, and jogged to Minho.

"Can you walk?" I said, placing a hand on his shoulder.

His eyes drifted up landing over my shoulder on Stiles. "Thomas! What did you do to him! Thomas!" He pushed me off and attempted to stand but fell back down.

"Who the hell is Thomas? And can you calm down? I'm trying to help."

"No. You're not good. You're not good." He said, delirious. I sighed and heaved him over my shoulder. He kicked in vain but I kept walking. No time for this when Stiles was in danger.

* * *

I placed Stiles on the metal table in the middle of the room. Wiping supplies off the counter to the left, I set Minho down and called for Deaton.

"What happened?" He said, running in.
"I don't- I don't know. Stiles got sliced and I think the pincher things had poison on it. And-and-that guy hit his head. I know I shouldn't have moved him with a head injury but-"

"-Scott calm down. What sliced Stiles?"

"Some giant metal spider."

"Metal spider?"

"Do you know what it is?"

"Not yet." With a thud, Minho rolled off the counter, crawling towards Stiles. "Scott hold him down before he hurts himself."

"I've got him." Said a female behind me. Lydia entered my line of sight and held the weak teen by his shoulders. "You two focus on Stiles."

My blood turned cold. "Lydia... How did you know we were here?"

She made eye contact, gaze grim. "I could feel it. Someone's gonna die."

A Griever In The Woods - WCKD'S Back Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now