w i n t e r

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I lost him when winter arrived.
the cold breeze shook me to the core,
the plants frozen with frost completely.
trees shook with the longing of being alive,
To feel the summer breeze in their leaves

His caramel skin cracked as he fell
His heart slowly turning to stone
No longer did he gaze in my eyes with love
He was empty inside
Reminiscing of summer,
Wishing he could become whole again.

Oh how I miss those warm eyes
That laugh full of summer and curiosity
He was a flower soon to bloom
But life refused to let him.

I truly lost him at the beginning of fall
But neither of us wanted to admit it
Oh, how I miss his touch
His warm touch, his finger tips
Reaching my arms, caressing me
As if I was glass

Now I'm stuck thinking of Summer
Summer when he loved me.

lullabies ☁︎ [poetry]Where stories live. Discover now