m e m o r i e s

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memories of you
still dance across my head.
one by one
sometimes in two
Memories of your voice
Distant now, almost unrecognizable
Ringing in my head at night.

My dreams filled of you, a place I wish I could stay
Where we can hold each other
I can run my fingers across your skin
Your uncracked, soft skin
Where we can bask in Summer
And listen to the bumbling bees beside us.

I'm forever trapped in Winter.
The doors are locked shut, he's on the other side
His skin cracked beyond repair, I nothing but a distant memory
I beg him to open the door
But he lost the key seasons ago

But in my dreams,
He loves me.
I still remember his voice in my dreams.
His caramel skin against my own
Laughing basking in the summers sky
He is free and happy

But then I wake up
And he's not there beside me.

I am cold.
It's winter.

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