Chapter 2

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I hope you enjoyed the first part. I just finished writing it and thought of more ideas. Hopefully at least 5 people read this and enjoy it. I'll try to make this chapter longer than the other ones. :)

Els pov

I could hear a familiar voice somewhere "El! Wake up!" It was Mike. I woke up crying and everyone was around me. " El are you okay?" Mike was really concerned about what I was thinking. "We heard you scream and saw you crying". Max was looking at me, scared that something bad was gonna happen. "I was in the void somehow and saw this girl, she was being chased by some kind of c-clown", I started to cry more. Mike was hugging me "I saw this boy there too, he screamed at the girl, he looked really scared. He said her name was Beverly". Everyone was looking at me concerned." The clown opened up its mouth,somehow mind controlling her, and her eyes turned white and floated into the air".

Everyone was petrified of what I told them. "I looked up, a-and there was more kids floating in the air. They were hurt really badly, and some of their limbs were gone." "Where was this at?" Will was scared that it was connected to the Upside Down somehow. "I-I don't know, it looked like they were in the sewers or something." "Can you find them again?" Dustin asked me. "I can try to", I put on a blindfold hoping I could find them. I looked around and saw the boy again with 5 other boys. One of them looked like Mike, but he had glasses and dressed different. They looked horrified. I saw a sign that said "Welcome to Derry,Maine!" I took the blindfold off with my nose bleeding. "I found them".

Haha you thought I would make this longer? No. I tricked you hehe :)... Jk I tricked you again. You really thought I would torture you like that? Nah I'm not that evil, anyways... back to the story.

Wills pov

"I found them" El had a dream about some kids somewhere that were in danger. "Where are they Eleven?" Max was scared for the girl El talked about. "They're in Derry,Maine. We need to go there,to help them". "How far away even is Derry?" Lucas didn't really like the idea of going there. Dustin grabbed a map from one of the shelf's. "Can someone give me a calculator?" I handed him one. After about a minute or two, someone spoke. "I got it!" "How far away is it?" El wanted to go and help them. "It's... eighteen hours away..." "ugh we're never gonna make it there on our bikes! What's the point of even going?" Lucas hated the plan about going to a different state. "What if, we took someone's car, or took a train?" Max said. "We don't have enough money for six tickets." Mike sighed. "Then I guess we can steal someone's car" Max smiled. "Or,we can get find someone who's willing to take us to Derry." I didn't like the thought of stealing something. We all thought about who would might take us Derry. "I know who can take us." Dustin said.

No ones pov

The kids made a plan to get anything they needed, then get the car. Everyone went home to pack clothes and find whatever money they had. They all got back to Mikes house. "Alright, does everyone have enough clothes for the trip?" Mike asked. Everyone nodded. "I have an extra bag over heat to get food for the ride there. Dustin, you bring this bag upstairs and get as much food as you can and be quick so my mom can't ask, then we go to get the car. Does everyone know what to do?" Everyone said yes. "Are you guys sure you want to do this?" Lucas made sure everyone was okay with it. "Ready? Go!" Dustin ran upstairs quietly and put as much food in there as he could, then ran back into the basement. Everyone went out the door from the basement to get one their bikes and get the car.

"Where are we even going Dustin?" Lucas was tired of riding his bike for a while. "Just trust me,we're almost there." They got to a house and knocked. Someone came outside. It was Steve Harrington. " What do you kids want?" "Jeez, rude much?" Mike was annoyed. They went inside and Max saw the keys to Steve's car. She whispered to everyone, "If Dustins plan doesn't work,the I know where the keys are." "So um,could you maybe drive us all to Derry,Maine?" Dustin asked. "Hell no! Why would I take 6 kids to a different state for no reason?" Everyone knew what was about to happen. Max ran to grab the keys and everyone ran to get in the car with their stuff. "Hey! Get back here! Damnit! Some kids stole my car!" Max got in the front seat while Dustin got in the passenger to give directions, and everyone else crammed themselves in the back. "Woohoo! We're going to Maine!" Max was really excited. Little did they know Derry was more than just a clown, and the clown was a lot more dangerous than the thought...

I'm so proud of this story and how it's turned out so far, I haven't checked how many people read or liked it if any people have. But again, I'm leaving you on a cliffhanger :). I might start writing part 3 tonight or tomorrow, and I have a lot of great ideas. If you have any ideas on something I could add to the story, let me know! I'm open to adding things in and maybe adding more characters that I make myself or some people I haven't mentioned from either It or Stranger Things. Hope you enjoyed!

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