Chapter 5(LAST PART)

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Alright, sorry I didn't post this part this weekend. I was really busy and stuff. I've lost all of my inspiration and interest for this story. I'll finish it in this part and won't make more of it. If you wanted to remake this story and make it longer you can. I don't know why you would but yea. Sorry if you wanted more parts to the story, but I'm not making any. Anyways, back to the story.

The party and losers went to Bills house and made a plan to get Beverly back and kill Pennywise. They went to the house on Neibolt street and went into the well. Immediately they saw Beverly, still up in the air. "H-how c-an we g-get her d-do-wn f-from th-ere?" Bill wondered. "I can do it", Eleven said. She looked at Beverly, then slowly, brought her down with her powers and lowered her gently onto the ground. Els nose started bleeding (obviously because she's Eleven 🙄). Bill and Ben ran over to her to get her up from the ground. They tried to wake her, but it didn't work. El brought a blindfold with her just in case she needed it. She grabbed it and put it on. The losers were confused to what she was doing. "She's gonna wake up Beverly", Will whispered quietly. El was in the void. She saw Beverly. Quickly, she ran to her and grabbed her hand. She saw Beverlys life in a quick blur, her getting hit by her dad, Greta bullying her, when she cut her hair, going to the quarry, cleaning the blood from the bathroom, getting hypnotized by It. Every moment she had in her life, El saw it all. Somehow Beverly woke up and saw Eleven. She took the blindfold off, her nose bleeding, and saw Beverly woke up. El started crying remembering all that Bev went through. She ran to her and hugged her. Beverly knew that El was the one who woke her up, she saw it herself. They saw Pennywise come out of nowhere and grabbed one of them. El used her powers to throw Pennywise. There was a pile of stuff next to them. All of them grabbed things like bats and poles. They hit Pennywise while Eleven held him to keep him from moving. He fell to the ground and they pushed him into a hole. He held onto something to keep him from falling. "He thrusts his fists against the post and still insists he sees the-" Pennywise started saying quietly. "Fear", was the last thing he said before falling into the hole. Everyone was so relieved. They stopped It. They where safe, at least the losers were. The party had more things to deal with next year(I'm not making another part to what they deal with back at Hawkins, just watch season 3). Beverly met the party and was told about what happened at Hawkins. El was drained from using her powers so much. They got out of the house on Neibolt street and stayed the night at one of the losers house. They would leave back to Hawkins in the morning.

The next morning
Everyone woke up early to go back to Hawkins. They went to where they kept Steve's car with the losers, to say goodbye to them. When they got there, the Hawkins police were there, along with their parents. Hopper saw all of the kids. "What the hell were you thinking?!" Hopper was mad. The losers were confused who that was and why he was yelling at them. "Why would you run away to a different state and not tell anyone?" The party's parents went over to them and asked the same question. "It was my fault", Bev said. They looked at her confused. "I needed help from someone and they came to help". "How did they know that you needed help?" Joyce wondered. "El knew. She saw that I needed help". Hopper and Joyce knew how El found out. All of the other parents were confused. "You all are going home right now." Hopper said. The party said goodbye to the losers and got into Hoppers police car. A tow truck was carrying Steve's car since it was messed up. Most of them slept the rest of the way back, but El, Mike, and Hopper were still awake. "What happened that you needed to go all the way to Maine?" "Beverly. She needed help." El said. Hopper was still confused. Mike then explained what happened and what El saw. "El was going to go alone, but we went with her to help kill Pennywise and somehow get Beverly to wake up from whatever happened to her." Mike then told Hopper. El and Mike later on fell asleep. They got back to Hawkins. Most of them got grounded for at least a month, except for El and Will. They were grounded for a week because Joyce and Hopper knew why they went, but since they went without telling anyone they still got grounded. After that, everything went back to "normal". (Lets be honest, Hawkins isn't normal at all). Then, everything else happened(season 3). The End.

Alright I know the ending was horrible, but as I said earlier, I had no more inspiration for this story. Sorry that it had barely and parts, but the parts were at least somewhat long. Anyways, hope you kinda enjoyed that horrible part. It's fine if you didn't because I know I didn't. Hope you have a great life and read a way better story than this one.

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