Chapter 4. The Losers club Meet the Party

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Alright, I know that I just made the 3rd chapter and no one was able to give suggestions. BUT I had more ideas and was gonna put it in chapter 3, but that would be too long. I knew I was gonna forget what I was gonna write, so here I am! Anyways...back to the story.

Max's pov

I can't believe it. We were just being chased by the police and managed to get away from them. "How much longer do we need to get to Derry?" El hadn't talked that much during the ride, mostly to Mike. But she was wanting to get there to help that girl Beverly, and I do too. "Well, now we need about 7 or 8 more hours to get to Derry". We were in Vermont and almost in New Hampshire. We were really close to getting to Derry. We were hungry, so we drove a little more to get farther from the cops and stopped to eat. We had pudding (of course because Dustin loves pudding:)), eggos, made sandwiches, and had water. None of us got much sleep because we stopped driving at 1am and was woken up by the police at 4am, stopped to eat at 5 and started driving at 6. If we stopped only once or twice, we'd get there by 1 or 2pm. Will was sleeping and so was Lucas, and Mike and El were sleeping on each other.

BECAUSE THEY LOVE EACH OTHER <3 <3 (sorry don't mind me I'll just sit in that corner and fangirl over mileven <3 )

We drove for almost 3 hours and had to get gas. We went over what we did last time and started driving again.

Back at Hawkins with their parents

"Do you know where they went?" Joyce was panicking. "We has found them, but they drove into the woods and lost the car. We will find them all and get them back home". Hopper assured Joyce. "Why would they run away anyways? And why to Maine?" Karen Wheeler was confused. "We don't know, that Harrington kid told us they asked for him to drive them to Maine, but he refused so they took his car". "Maxine would never steal anything! She's such a sweet girl". "Well from what we were told she's the one who took the keys and started driving, so she might not be as sweet as you think". Hopper couldn't believe it. His daughter Jane stole a car with her friends to go to Maine, but what was so important there that they stole a car just to get there? How long were they planning to do this? Why didn't they say anything to anyone?

In Derry with the losers

"D-does a-anyone have an i-idea on h-how to s-sa-ve B-beverly!" (I forgot the stuttering in the last part,sorry) Bill said. He watched the girl he had a crush on get possessed by the deadlights and float into the air. "I don't know. How are we even supposed to fight a killer clown?" Mike H wasn't too sure about going back, but her knew they had to get Bev.(From now on I'll call them Mike h and Mike w since there's 2 of them) "Does anyone's parents have like a gun or something?" Richie asked. "You can't just kill this thing with a fucking gun Richie!" Eddies yelled. "Well how do you know? You could kill it with a gun! We've never used one". "It's a fucking demon clown Richie! You can't kill a demon with a gun that sounds so stupid!" They kept arguing about it, like they do about everything. "I-I've got it!" Bill said.

With the party

"Guys look!" Dustin said. There was a sign. It said, "Welcome to Maine!" "We made it!" El said happily. Everyone got excited and was happy they made it so far. "How far away is Derry from her Dustin?" Max said. "It's about half an hour or more". They were excited, but scared. They heard what Eleven told them, and knew there was a clown there. After a little less than an hour getting lost and yelling at each other, the made it to Derry! Everyone got excited. They pulled over near a park. "Where is the girl Beverly?" Max asked. "I'm not sure. I'll find them". "Them?" everyone asked. "When I looked for where they lived, there were 6 boys and one of them was there when Beverly floated into the air. They were talking about her, trying to figure out how to save her". She put her blindfold on and looked from them. She saw a 2 story house and all of the boys in the garage. "I found them" El told everyone. "We need to walk there, if they find the car and we're driving in it we won't be able to help them. If we leave the car here, they won't know where we went and will still be looking for us". Max had told everyone. They all grabbed their stuff, leaving nothing behind so no one would know they were there. They walked around the neighborhood and saw the house. "There", El pointed to the house. The garage door was opened and they saw all the kids there. "Holy shit!" Lucas said. "What is it?" Mike W asked. "That kid with glasses looks just like you!" "What the hell?" They walked up to them. "Hey um we're new here and um we were just wondering if we could hang out with you guys", Max said. "N-no th-thanks w-" Bill was just about to say. "We know about Beverly", El told them. Eddie whispered "How the hell do they know about Bev?" "WHAT THE FUCK?" Richie just saw Mike W. Everyone looked at Richie and Mike W. "Holy shit", said Mike H. "You guys look like twins", Ben said. "There's no time for you guys saying I look like this guy. We know about that girl Beverly and we know about the clown thing. "H-how d-did y-ou know ab-bout Bev?" Bill was saying. "I saw her, in the void. Her eyes turned white and she floated into the air with more kids",El said. "In the what- how do you guys even get here? Where are you from?" Mike H said. "We're from Hawkins Indiana. My names Will", said Will. "How long did it take for you to get here?" Richie asked. "Eighteen hours", said Dustin. "More like 20! Remember when the cops started chasing us?", said Mike W. "You guys were chased by cops? That's so fucking cool!" "BEEP BEEP RICHIE" said the losers. "Jeez okay", said Richie. "What does that mean?", asked El. "It means Richie needs to shut the hell up!",said Stanley. "W-what a-re y-you guys n-names?", said Bill. "I'm Mike" "I'm Lucas" "I'm Will" "I'm Dustin" "I'm Max" "I'm Eleven", said the party. "What? Your names eleven like the number or something?" Richie started laughing a little. "Beep beep Richie!", said Eddie. "Anyways I'm Eddie" "B-bill" "I'm Ben" "I'm Stanley" "I'm Mike" "and I'm Richie" said the losers. "If you don't mind me asking, why is your name Eleven?" asked Stan. El started to tear up a little. "Hey El it's okay, he's gone. He can't hurt you anymore" Mike W said. She showed everyone the tattoo on her arm saying 011. "Woah you have a tattoo?" Richie said. "They made me have it" El said. "Who made you have it?" Eddie asked. El said, "The lab..." "What lab?" Ben asked. "H-Hawkins lab" she started to cry more remembering all the things they did to her. She hugged Mike W. After that she explained what happened to her at the lab. "No way! You can't have powers that's impossible!" Richie said. El lifted up her hand making Richie float in the air and her nose started bleeding. "What the hell?!" Richie was so confused. The party laughed a little while the losers just stared at Richie floating in the air. She dropped him on the ground gently.

Alright this is getting too long and I'm tired. Hope you enjoyed! This time I will read any suggestions if anyone leaves me them in the morning. I'm probably gonna watch YouTube and fall asleep at 2am. Anyways I'll write the next chapter tomorrow as soon as I finish my dumb school work. Anyways hope you liked my story! Bye! <3

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