Derry,Maine 1984.Chapter 3

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Ok I know that It is in 1989 but let's pretend it's in 1984 so they can all be the same age okay :)

Bills pov

I can't believe it. Beverly was controlled by the deadlights, and now we don't know what to do. We came back from the sewers to figure out how to save Bev and get her back to normal. "What the hell are we gonna do? Bevs controlled by the deadlights and Pennywise could've killed her by now!" I was mad. They made me leave and we couldn't get Beverly in time. "Dude it's gonna be fine. We can get Bev back and kill that fucking clown." Richie was trying to make me feel better for once, but it wasn't working. I was worried for Beverly and if she was even alive still. "Guys what are we supposed to do? We know It could control us by the deadlights any moment and have no weapons." Mike said. "We can't go back now. We would die instantly." I could tell Stan wanted to save Bev, but at the same time I could tell he didn't want to go kill the clown. I don't blame him. It's literally a demonic clown that could control us by the deadlights. We sat and thought about what we could do to save Beverly and kill Pennywise.

Back in Hawkins with the Party

Mikes pov

"Woohoo! We're going to Maine!" Max was excited. I can't believe we just stole Steve Harrington's car and are going to a state 18 hours away. "What are we gonna do when we get to Derry?" Will asked. "We're gonna find Beverly." El was determined to find this Beverly person and save her from whatever that thing was. We were driving a couple of hours. El was asleep with her head on my shoulder while Lucas and Will were talking. Dustin was giving directions to Max. "Shit... we're running out of gas." Max had said. "Where's the nearest gas station?" She asked Dustin. "It's about a mile away, do you think we have enough gas for that?" "Hopefully."

No ones pov

The party was barely able to get to a gas station. El woke up and asked, "Where are we?" Mike answered "We're at a gas station". "How much money does gas cost?" Max was the one driving,so she and Dustin would go and pay for it. "It cost $1.13". "Okay me and Dustin will go pay for the gas, and Will can go fill it up,okay?" Everyone nodded. "Remember if the cashier asks why we're paying for the gas, say that our parents went to the bathroom and asked us to pay for it, okay?" Dustin nodded remembering the plan.Dustin and Max walked into the gas station and asked to pay for the gas. "You kids look really young to be paying for gas." The cashier said. "Um our parents went to the bathroom and asked us to pay for the gas". Max smiled. The cashier was unsure, but let them pay for it anyway. "That'll be $1.13." Dustin handed him the money and ran out the door. Will quickly filled up the tank for them to drive a couple more hours and drove away.

With Steve in Hawkins

"Hello 911 what's your emergency?" "Some kids stole my car!" Steve was mad. "Do you know where they were going to?" "They said they were going to Maine or something. They asked me to drive them but I refused. Then they took off with my keys and drove off!" "Okay well have the police over in a little bit".

At the Wheelers house

Karen Wheeler walked down the basement stairs. "Micheal are any of your friends hungr-" She looked around and no one was there. She saw the basement door was open. She closed it and ran upstairs. She called all of the kids parents and asked if they went to their house. All of them said no. She told all of them that the kids weren't at her house and called the police. "911 what's your emergency?" "Please help me! I have 6 children missing!" "When did you last see them?" "About an hour ago. I came to check up on them and all of them were gone." "What were the names of these children?" "Micheal Wheeler, Lucas Sinclair, Dustin Henderson, Will Byers, Maxine Mayfield, and Jane Hopper". They kept asking her questions like what were they wearing, what they were doing before they went missing, etc.

At the police station

Chief Jim Hopper got to the station and Flo told him what was happening. " Hop...your child and her friends have gone missing and there's a stolen car from Steve Harrington". Hopper was shocked. His own daughter and her friends went missing the same day Steve's car was stolen. "I think I know who stole the Harrington kids car". "Who?" Flo was confused how he knew so quickly. "It was my kid and her friends. One of them somehow knows how to drive a car, and how is it a coincidence that some kids go missing, then a car is stolen". "What should we do?" Flo asked. Hopper said "Figure out what the car looks like and the license plate is then figure out where it was last seen. It'll lead us to where they went and we can ask them why they ran away".

With the party

It was late and got dark quickly. Max asked "How many more hours till we get there?" Dustin told her, "About 9 more hours". They pulled over somewhere to sleep until morning for them to drive again. They drove halfway there and didn't know which state they were in. They woke up to sirens and Max panicking and driving quickly. "What happened?" Lucas asked. "The police from Hawkins are chasing us! We can't go back now, we've gotten so close to Maine to give up now!" Max was panicking. They drove off-road and crashed somewhere. Luckily, the police lost them. Everyone was frozen. They were so scared. They all got put to see what happened to the car. The tires were fine, none of the mirrors fell off, and the license plate fell off. "Oh man, if Steve ever got his car back he would kill us all!" Dustin wondered what Steve would do. " least they can't find us if we don't have a license plate?" Max shrugged. They got back in the car and Dustin gave more directions for where they should go.

Wow this chapter was long. So far 6 people read the first chapter and 2 people read the second one, so that's a good start! I'm glad some people are enjoying this story as much as I am. If you wanna give any suggestions for the next chapter, let me know! I'll try to read them before I make the next chapter, but anyways, hope you're enjoying the story!

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