Chapter 1

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"Huh?" Sophie opened her eyes. The face of Mrs. Stinkbottom was in front of hers.

"Keefe?" she asked, confused, but then realized as soon as she sat up that Keefe was gone. She pulled Mrs. Stinkbottom closer to her chest. It had been almost 3 weeks since Keefe was captured by the Neverseen.

"Sophie? Would you like some breakfast?" Edaline's voice made Sophie jump.

"Uh," She glanced at the silver tray Edaline had in her hands. Sophie slowly sat up. She winced. Her leg still hurt after the Neverseen sliced a giant gash on her right leg. Elwin fixed up most of it, but he said the rest would heal in time. "Sure."

Edaline released a sigh of relief, happy that Sophie wasn't skipping breakfast again. She slowly set the tray down on the side of the bed. She glanced at Mrs. Stinkbottom and Ella, side by side on Sophie's pillow.

"Thanks for the breakfast," Sophie said. She picked at the colorful food that was prepared for her. She smiled weakly, "It tastes amazing."

"Glad to know that you like it!" Edaline sat on the side of the bed where Sophie's try was on before she pulled it to her lap.

"I miss him," Sophie said, pulling Edaline into a hug. "I wish I could go find him."

"I know you do, honey," Edaline sighed, that was the 143rd conversation about saving Keefe. "It's just that you aren't healed yet."

"I don't care! I think I'm strong enough!" Sophie argued as she winced in pain again. She pulled Ella and Mrs. Stinkbottom onto her lap. She ignored the sting as she shifted her position to face Edaline. Even though Elwin gave her pain medicine, she didn't want to take it. She needed to remind herself of Keefe and what he was probably going through right now.

Sophie lifted her blankets aside to stare at the 1 foot line going from the middle of her thigh to her knee. "Keefe probably has worse."

"But we don't want to lose you too," Edaline said quietly, "Not after Jolie."

Sophie put her hand on Edaline's, and squeezed it. "I really miss him."

Grady stuck his head into the room, "Biana, Fitz, Linh, and Dex are here to see you."

"Uh... what time is it?" she asked.

"11:23," Edaline replied, looking at the clock on Sophie's nightstand.

"WHAT?" Sophie shrieked. She jumped out of her bed despite the gash on her leg, got her clothes, and ran into the bathroom.

~time skip~

"Hi Sophie!" Biana greeted.

"Hi," Sophie smiled, looking at the four people trying to take the chair by her bed, where she was sitting. "Why are you guys here?"

"We thought we'd check on you," Fitz said, flashing his signature movie-worthy smile. It didn't even make Sophie's insides flutter anymore; not after Keefe was taken.

Linh sighed, fiddling with a sphere of water. "I wonder if Tam was behind this."

Sophie shook her head. "Tam wouldn't do that. He would never hurt us, no matter how much he hates Keefe."

"I'm worried... about both of them," Linh said.

"Yeah. I think we all are," Dex said.

Sophie looked at her feet. "I miss him."

Fitz was staring into space, looking like he was in a different world.

"Hey Sophie," Biana said, "have you tried communicating telepathically with him?"

"Oh!" Sophie said excitedly, "I'm going to try right now!"

Sophie concentrated on Keefe.

Keefe, can you hear me? Sophie called.

KEEFE! She tried.

F-foster? Keefe mumbled through their connection, How? They put special walls so you couldn't communicate with me.

Well, then they're not working, Sophie said happily. How are you?

What do you think? Keefe thought.

Do you get food and water? Sophie asked.

I get one meal per day, and they serve it to me like I'm their pet, he thought.

It's not the time to joke around, Sophie sighed.

Whatever you say, Lady Fos-Boss.

"Is he okay?" Fitz muttered, making Sophie jump.

Are you okay? Sophie asked.

No, not really, Keefe replied.

"He said, 'No, not really'" Sophie said, repeating Keefe's words.

"Can I join the conversation with Keefe?" Biana asked.

"Sure," Sophie reached out with her mind, connecting Biana's with Keefe's.

Biana's here now! Sophie announced to Keefe.

Oh! Hey Biana! How are you? Keefe asked.

I miss you... and Tam, Biana said, fiddling with a loose thread on her dress.

Well, I haven't really seen Bangs Boy, Keefe thought, I heard him once though.

Really! Biana lit up.

Fitz tapped my shoulder, "What's happening right now?"

I waved Linh, Dex, and Fitz over, connecting their minds with mine, "Why don't you see for yourself."

Sophie, Fitz transmitted. Don't you think Biana is a little obsessed with Tam? She got over her crush on Keefe.

Shhh! Sophie transmitted back, not wanting to spill her friend's secrets, I don't know.

Oh really? Fitz asked, but was cut off by Keefe screaming in their heads.

FOSTER! Keefe grinned. Talk to me or else I'm going to assume you and Fitzy are flirting!

Sophie sighed. Seriously, Keefe?

Yep. Keefe said. Sophie could practically hear Keefe smirking.

Well, I guess it's nice to know you're still acting normal, Fitz smiled.

This place smells like Iggy farts mixed with Glitter Butt's poop, Keefe complained.

Wow, Sophie's nose wrinkled up, that bad.

My nose is going to stop working soon, Keefe whined. Are Glitter Butt and the Glitter Butt Jr.s doing okay? I bet Mama Glitter Butt is teaching those two how to say 'Keefe' right now. Or maybe they're naturals! Hm... is 'Keefe' their first word?

Yep, Sophie said, I often hear lots of Keefes in my head.

Keefe's laughter rang inside hers and everyone's head.

I wish you were here, Linh said.

Me too, Keefe thought, I really want to be there with you.

Biana pulled Sophie closer and leaned on her shoulder, We are trying to find ways to save you. Even though Sophie hasn't healed yet, she is trying to find ways to save you.

I'm healed enough! Sophie argued.

No, you aren't, Dex thought, frowning.

Sophie stood up, wincing, but she limped across the room, I am healed enough! She said to everyone.

Linh and Biana rushed over to help Sophie up, but Sophie pushed them away.

You know, Keefe said, I can see what is happening over there, Wonderboy is sending me images. Sophie, you need to heal, I can wait. I just want- Oh! The Neverseen is coming to check on me! Talk to you later!

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