The Proposal

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Friday September 17, 2018.

* Brendon had been planning this for over six months. You knew nothing about it. You were going to visit him on tour and he wanted to make the most of it. *

As you were backstage with Brendon before the show you noticed he was anxious. He played it off as "pre-show jitters," but you weren't buying it. You decided to drop the subject so he wouldn't become more anxious about you worrying about him.

You and the rest of the crew went to the side stage to watch the show begin. Brendon was about to get on his toaster so you ran up to quickly kiss him good luck. The count down started, the Wicked Strings began playing, and he shot up. You've seen him perform a countless amount of times, but even after 7 years of dating you were still floored. He was truly born to entertain.

He was still on edge and you were really getting nervous for him now. He even dropped his mic while attempting to flip it, which he NEVER does. He sits down on the piano to start your favorite song that Panic! has ever covered, Bohemian Rhapsody. But something is different this time.

"I'm sorry to interrupt the show, but this needs to be said." You grow absolutely nervous and the crowd is silent. "I've been with my (s/o) for seven years now. I know most of you have been waiting for this day, and I know for a fact that (y/n) has as well. (y/n) can you come up here, doll?"

Obviously you did what he asked. You made your way up the the stage and he immediately hugged you and sat you on the piano.

"(y/n), these past seven years have been the best years of my life. And i'm not saying that to be cheesy. Before I met you, I was broken. I relied on hard drugs, and one night stands to heal me. Then I met you. As soon as you agreed to go on a date with me I decided to clean up for you. I didn't want you to see me broken. I wanted you to know that I was in it for the long run. My first priority from that day on was you. To provide you protection, emotional healing, and most importantly love. I never wanted another hard drug or cigarette again. You are my drug, and baby you're the most addictive thing on this earth. I know i'm rambling now, haha, but please know that you are the most important thing in my life. So (y/n) (l/n) will you do the honors and marry me?"

You were bawling by this point. Brendon had never went into detail about his broken past. Your answer was obvious. You nodded your head and said a muted "yes!" while tears streamed down your face.

You hugged him and kissed him passionately and went back to the side stage so he could finish his show.

As the show ended he came up to you and kissed you hard. "Thank you, babe. No, seriously, thank you. You've made such an impact on my life and I can't wait to spend the rest of it with you by my side." "Brendon, I love you more than life. You mean the absolute world to me and I feel like I don't say it enough."

"(y/n) you say it plenty. We have an eternity to continue to confess our love, because like I said I'm in it for the long run baby. And you're not getting rid of me now!" You giggles and he kissed your temple as you got ready to leave the venue and head to a hotel for the night.

You spent the night confessing your love with Brendon. He ordered your favorite champagne and drew you both a bath in the luxurious jacuzzi tub. The night was filled my tipsy kisses, cuddles, and much more.

You knew he was yours and He knew you were his. That's all that matters.

"lay us down, we're in love."


hey guys! i know i've been gone for awhile lol but I'm back! i really like this one and i hope you guys do as well.

should i do some ddm imagines? i would love to try it out because i have so many ideas.

i'm thinking about writing a Brendon Urie x O. Female Character. It would be about the reader being the bass player for panic. she's very close with Brendon and they had an instant connection. Sarah suddenly passes away and Brendon needs help coping with it, so the character would help him through it and eventually fall for each other? idk just an idea.
Let me know what you guys think!

requests are open :)


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