Siren Head

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"She was on vacation with her husband and they were scoping out graveyards on the way, as you do, when she saw it. Rising out of the old cemetery, big as an old (macabre) telephone pole. Was this some kind of bizarre art piece the authorities hadn't gotten wise to yet? Even as she stepped out of the car, the megaphones on its "head" screeched to life. "NINE. EIGHTEEN. ONE. CHILD. SEVENTEEN. REMOVE. VILE.". A buzzing, doubled voice screamed random words at her. At this point, it jerked into motion, striding down the hill towards her."

~ The Tumblr caption for the original drawing of Siren Head.

Probably Henderson's most popular work, thanks to video games, memes and some fabulous clips on the internet. Siren Head appears to be one of the largest of Trevor Henderson's creations, both figuratively and literally, being around 40 feet tall.

Almost all images of Siren Head, are presented very similarly to each other, featuring Siren Head as a tall, thin, desiccated, dehydrated, with mummified skin and dual sirens on its head. Henderson has confirmed that Siren Head's sirens have the ability of releasing various sounds out of them, such as conversations, white noises and extremely loud sounds which can affect ears. Instead of sirens, different objects are visible on Siren Head's head, which two images depicted.

The only parts of Siren Head that are man-made are his sirens and wires, which are fused to his dry and mummified skin.When asleep, Siren Head produces white noise from its speakers.According to Henderson, Siren Head would be unaffected by an EMP, as he is mostly organic.

On Twitter, Trevor posted an artwork of Siren Head, calling him the "patron saint of going missing without a trace, of creeping dread, of bad things, coming." Interestingly, the artwork features an iteration of Siren Head with an additional third smaller siren on its neck as opposed to the usual two-headed design. This might mean that Siren Head was redesigned.

Siren Head was proposed to the site as the non-canon , but it is unofficial, as Trevor has stated that he wishes to keep Siren Head as his own separate work. is named "Sirenhead", but is about the figurehead of a French privateer brig. The Captain of the aforementioned ship was titled "6789-AH," an obvious reference to SCP-6789.

Trevor that Siren Head and Long Horse are aware of one another, possibly being enemies due to their different views on humanity.Trevor confirmed that Siren Head is the only one of his species when he responded to an ask on Tumblr about his creations possibly being part of a species; he name drops Siren Head,  Bonesworth and Mr. Mascot as a few of the many monsters that are the only one of their kind.

Siren Head's movement is nearly completely silent.Siren Head appears to be one of the largest of Trevor Henderson's creations, both figuratively and literally, being one of Trevor Henderson's most popular creations and it itself being around 40 feet tall.

Siren Head and by extension, the rest of Trevor Henderson's art, has recently gained much more fame due to videos created by YouTubers, such as: PewDiePie, Markiplier l, Jacksepticeye,etc; and playing the Siren Head game and exploring more of the lore and other creatures created by Trevor.

Trevor has responded to an ask on Twitter on how Siren Head could resemble tech from the 90's or 2000's in ancient times. Interestingly, he responded with "What we're seeing might be the most recent form, or maybe a slightly outdated form, of something that consistently changes. Maybe our eyes just show us the closest approximation to what's actually there and this "fits."" This could possibly mean that Siren Head changes itself depending on the era it is in, in order to blend in more easily or that what we see is not its real form, but the closest thing the human mind can associate with it.

Sirenhead: Creations of Trevor HendersonWhere stories live. Discover now