Only making love part 16

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*Ast's POV*

I pulled into the parking spot at Julia's. "baby wake up.." I went to shake Julia as she opened her eyes. "We're home I smiled." "Oh." "Babe please, I'm sorry about yesterday." "Yeah." Julia replied getting out of my car, unlocking the house door and going in. "Ughh." I yelled hitting the driving wheel. After about 5 minutes I got out my car and locked it before going in. "Ast we need to talk." I went and sat next to Julia on the sofa. " I know babe, I hate this." "Why did Marv Come and tell me to go easy on you?" "I um." I rubbed my neck nervously. "Hm?" "I told him you'd been off all week." "Gee thanks Ast. Do you know how that makes me feel?" "Boo, I'm-" "Ast don't even boo me, I can't stand the sight of you right now. I think you should go for a walk." "But I want to pick Kira up and see her." "Fine you can." I grinned thinking Julia was letting her guard down a little. "What?" She asked bluntly. "Your so sexy when your mad." I bit my lip and moved closer towards Julia. "Ast stop." "I love you from the bottom of my heart." I kissed Julia but she didn't kiss back. "Ast stop!" She shouted putting her hands onto my chest and backing away. Can I do anything right? I love her!

"Fine then. I'm going to pick up OUR daughter." Julia sighed and took my hand, holding it slightly before letting go. "I'm sorry" I whispered, although I knew she wouldn't hear as she was climbing the stairs.

*Julia's POV*

I reached our room as I fell onto the bed, I heard our front door slam. I hate how these past few days have been. I feel so small! I rolled over and put Tulisa' new song on 'Sight of You' I sighed after a while and changed it to 'The Chronicles Of TK' album and put on 'Stay' and sang along to the lyrics. Aston must have come back with Kira as she barged into our room and gave me a hug "hello mummy." "Hey princess." I kissed her head "daddy is downstairs cooking me dinner." Kira exclaimed "is he now?" I smiled "I love you mummy." "I love you too baby." I used my finger to take a stray hair off kira's face. Kira scrunched her nose up and laughed. I smiled she was just like Ast. "KIRA! Dinner is ready." I heard Ast call up the stairs. "Yes daddy!" Kira called before going down. "Hey." I smiled going downstairs. "Hey, I've um got us a little something for after madam is in bed." "Um okay." Ast placed a peck on my cheek and washed the pots.

*Ast's POV*

"Kisses Kira?" I lent down and kissed my daughter. She really is so beautiful just like Julia. "Night night daddy." "I love you princess never forget that." I turned out the light and left the room retreating downstairs. Julia was sat watching 'eastenders' I snook into the kitchen and quietly prepared our meal. I really hope I can sort things out.

"Babe come on dinners ready." I smiled looking at my masterpiece of food. "Ok I'm coming Ast." Julia walked in "oh my...Ast! It's ... It's beautiful." "And it's all for you boo. I'm really sorry Julia." Julia came closer and put her arms around my neck. I let my arms go around her waist and my hands rest on her bum. "Can I get a kiss boo?" I asked Julia smiled and her eyes sparked. I wanted her bad and now! "Of course." I lent down and shared a passionate kiss. "I love you, I really do! You complete me Julia." I gasped pulling away from the kiss. Julia was playing with the curls at the back of my head. "I love you too." She smiled. I opened a bottle of champagne and pured some into a couple of glasses passing one to Julia. "Cheers." We both said is sync. I got my phone out. "Come on baby lets pose for a picy to be a tweety!" Julia laughed "okay." Julia smiled next to me as I took the photo. Look @Juliaroos and I having some champagne. Axx "Ast shall we watch a film?" "Yeah you choose boo." "Ok I chooseee...'Marley and me' " "Julia noo.." I pretended to cry. "Hm well maybe we could um...skip the film." Julia raises her eyebrows. "Now miss Roos that is an offer I can't turn down." I chuckled. Picking Julia up I smiled "you're beautiful." "Thanks." She blushed. I placed Julia on the bed and we began to kiss gently but passionately. Soon clothes were chucked all over the room, were now both just in our underwear. I kissed down Julia's chest until I reached her knicker line. "Oh Ast." She moaned softly I slid off her underwear and undid the clasp at the back. Julia smiled sitting up brushing past my dick. "Hmm."I moaned She smirked before putting her hand inside my boxers and pleasuring me. "Ahh..hmm..oh.." Julia stopped "babe don't stop I'm nearly there." "Shh." Julia whispered she lent over me and got a condom out the draw. I smiled "no more babies yet merrygold.." Julia winked "yeah.." I rolled on top of Julia and pushed myself inside her. "Hmmm..Ast.' Julia moaned "ah." I smiled god she was so tight. We kissed as I moved in and out of Julia. "Ahh..oh god! Faster ast! Faster! Julia screamed "ahhh!" I grunted. I clasped on the bed next to Julia. "I love you Ast. I don't wanna fight anymore.." "I love you more baby. Come on come and give me a cuddle." I smiled. Julia cuddled into my chest. "I'm sorry I hurt you Julia, I swear I'll never hurt you again."

Awh! So Julia and Ast made up but how long is it going to last... Is Ast having other thaughts?

Feedback please? Xxxx Julia

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