Chapter 5

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Aella stood in the dressing room looking at the beautiful, blue dress she wore. It had long, dark blue, lace sleeves with thick embroidery. The lace went up her neck and down covering her back. The dress itself is dark blue silk with a sweet heart neck line and flowed from the waist down. It's a stunning dress that thankfully covered her scars, now. She turned in front of the mirror admiring the dress.

"Hey, hurry up we gotta get home. Dinner will be ready soon." Jason said knocking on the dressing room door.

"Okay, okay. Let me get changed then we can go." She quickly got changed and walked out.

"Is the dress to your liking?" A man who wore a stripped green and black pants, pink bottom up, and a purple vest asked.

"Yes, it is perfect. Thank you, Mr.Varin" She gave him a smile.

"Good!" Mr.Varin cheered.

"Alfred will come tomorrow morning to pick up the dress and suits." Jason said. With that they said goodbye and left. It was a surprisingly clear night in Gotham. The stars shined and the moon was full. The winter wind even stopped for the night. She was looking at the beautiful night sky when Jason threw a helmet at her. "So, you ready for your first gala tomorrow?"

"Eh, I'm sure it won't be anything I can't handle." She shrugged looking at him. Jason let out a deep chuckle. He wore ripped jeans, a deep red shirt, black leather jacket, and white converses. "I can handle a stupid gala filled with stuffy rich people." Jason looked at her and leaned against his bike.

"You'd be surprised. These things can get pretty dangers." He smirked at her.

"I'm sure I can handle anything Gotham throws at me and besides," She walked closer to him and whispered. "You'll be by my side the entire time." She pulled back and smirked at him. He pulled her close to him and whispered in her ear.

"We got company." He pointed with his eyes to the gown shop they just left. Mr.Varin was peeking out the window at them.

"He's been like that as soon as we walked out the door." She smirked. Jason shook his head.

"Come on let's go." He put on his helmet and got on his bike. He just got his license for it a week ago and he took it everywhere. She put her helmet on, got on behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist. Jason floored it and they were off in the streets of Gotham. He drove through the city where all the huge sky scrapers and blinding lights were. They drove for a while and when Jason didn't take the turn that would bring them back to Wayne Manor she knew that something was up. He drove them to a little dinner in the rougher part of Gotham, Penguin's Territory, but they had the best burgers she ever had. Besides, it's not like they couldn't handle themselves. They got to the diner and went in to take seats. It looked like a diner straight out of a movie. When they sat down a waitress came over and Jason ordered the usual for them both.

"What's wrong?" Aella asked.

"Nothing, I just wanted burgers." He took a sip of his coke.

"You told me to hurry up because dinner would be ready soon." He rubbed the back his neck.

"I just didn't want anymore prying eyes." She laughed at him.

"Jay, you are the ward of Bruce Wayne and I am his daughter. We will always have eyes on us especially while we are in Gotham."

"I just didn't want to go back to where the others will be messing with us." Ah!

"It was your idea to have us look like we're dating, so the time we spend together didn't seem weird. And, so people would think I was fitting in just fine."

"Yeah, I know." The waitress came back with the burgers and fries. Jason started to pick at his fries.

"So, then what's the problem?"

"Just thinking. Yesterday at the cave they had the news on."

"Mhm," Aella said with a mouth full of burger.

"They were talking about you and some of the guys weren't saying the kindest stuff about you..."

"Ahh," She threw a fry at him, "You stood up for my honor."

"Shut up," He threw the fry back. They enjoyed the rest of their dinner picking fun at one another.


That night Aella woke to the sound of an alarm going off. She sat up in bed and rubbed her face. She didn't know why an alarm was going off and she didn't care. All she knew was that she was going to find it and destroy it because it is too early to wake up on a Saturday. Getting out of bed she walked into the living room to find Jason, Bruce and Alfred all standing still in their pjs. She looked at Jay to inquire what was going on. He looked back at her and shrugged. They all went into the kitchen where the sound was coming from and found no other than Dick Greyson standing in front of an oven that was smoking while holding a fire extinguisher. A fire alarm. That's what woke her up. A stupid fire alarm.

"Dick, what the hell?" Bruce asked.

"Well, you see. I got hungry." He sprayed the oven again. "And I tried to make some food."

"Why didn't you just have a bowl of cereal?" Jay asked his voice thick with sleep.

"I wanted something hot and fresh." Dick's face turned down and he gave puppy dog eyes.

"Nope, I am not dealing with this." Aella shook her head. "I am going back to bed." She picked up a metal spoon off the counter and threw at the fire alarm making it fall from the ceiling and turn off. "Wake me when it's actually morning." She turned and walked back to her room. Seeing that the alarm was now off the others decided to go back to bed as well.

Back in her room her phone buzzed. Looking down she saw it was a txt from Jay.

"Not trying to fly under the radar anymore?"

"I'm too tired to care, Jay" She texted back. He sent laughing faces back and they both went back to sleep.


Aella Wayne SavageWhere stories live. Discover now