Reality TV

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It's 7:45pm. The Bachelor fianale airs on TV tonight at 8:00, but you don't have cable. Your parents say it's too expensive, and that "we don't really need it anyway". Which is true. It's just a but frustrating because right now, in this current situation it feels like you need it.

Your guy best friend, C/n, makes your phone buzz next to you.

you gonna watch the
bachelor tonight

                                well i want to...but i don't have cable

haha that's an f
Read 7:48pm

You groan and close your phone. This is so annoying. He is so annoying. Beyond annoying. And yet, you love him for it.

You quickly look up the Bachelor online to see if there any free way to watch it. ABC has the series in their website, which is how you've been watching previous episodes. But then don't release them until a few days after they air. Which means you'll be behind everyone, and C/n will definitely spoil the whole thing for you. Because he never shuts up.

Then an idea pops into your mind. What if he watches it on his laptop and then screenshares with me over zoom? We've been using zoom for classes, and it works pretty well.

You open your phone to ask him. Hopefully he'll say yes.

hey hey hey
i have an idea

oh do you isn't that just wonderful

shut up
what if you screenshare the show with me over zoom

zoom won't work there's a 40 minute time limit on calls
how bout discord?

sure :)
Read 7:53pm

You open your computer and head to the discord website, logging in as fast as possible. C/n is already calling you.

You click to pick up.

"How does this work Y/n can you hear me or just the show?"

"Just the show," you respond and giggle, wondering if he'll notice.

"Oh okay cool." He sits silently for a couple seconds. "Wait...oh my gosh you are so dumb."

"I am not dumb! That was an excellent trick if I do say so myself. You are very rude."

"Mhmm, maybe I should just hang up the call so you can't-"

"No! Sorry it was just a joke you're not rude I swear," you spit out quickly, really really hoping he won't hang up.

"That's what I freaking thought."

You talk together until the show begins, and watch the entire two hours of the show happily. During commercials, he fills you in on how his day has been, and you do the same, teasing each other like you always have throughout.

This is the first time you've actually spoken to him not over text since quarantine started. And you're over the moon.

As it ends, your favorite winning the whole show, you realize that the call has to end sometime.

C/n speaks up before you can. "You're welcome."

"Oh, uh thanks." You're blushing. Thank goodness this isn't in person.



"Okay goodbye. Text ya later."

"Bye!" He ends the call and you sigh, contentedly. Today was a really good day.

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