Long Drives - Part 1

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It's Saturday morning, and summer has just started. Normally you would be out and about with your friends and doing all the summertime activities that you adore: shopping and swimming and going out to eat.

But this year is different.

The incredibly stupid global pandemic has taken all that away from you. Everything you want to be doing is impossible, and the days feel like they're repeating over and over.

You stretch slightly and roll over onto your side to check your phone for any messages. Perhaps someone will have something interesting to say that will make life less tragic.

hey you
wanna go to the beach today

Your eyes widen as you read a text from you long time crush. You've been good friends for a while, but you've never hung out in person, and definitely not alone. Minecraft chat is a pretty good way to get to know someone.

You type out a yes immediately.

duh of course
what beach

idk we'll figure it out
along the way

You stare at the screen, confused. How is that gonna work if you're in separate cars? Is he saying that you're riding together? There's no way. This has to be a dream.

wait are you driving both of us?

yeah that's what i thought at least
unless you don't want me to

no no that's fine with me

okay pick you up in 30

All those times you've thought about going and doing fun things with him and this is actually happening? You can hardly believe it.

You scan through your closet and pick out your favorite shirt to wear, and then throw on some comfortable shorts to go with it. Today is supposed to be hot, which you know from checking the weather on your phone. Yeah that's right. You looked at the temperature of the day before going out. Who does that?

Your drawstring bag that you take everywhere you go has a pre-packed water bottle, sunglasses and snacks, perfect for a beach day.

You hop down the stairs, greeting your mom and sister with a wave as you head to the kitchen. Or more accurately, the pantry.

Two pieces of bread find their way into the toaster and you take out the strawberry jam from the fridge.

And before you know it, you're eating breakfast.

im here

He's here? Already?

You take a last sip of water to wash everything down and wipe the crumbs from your face. It's showtime.

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