Part 3

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*hehehe guys I updated anyway loooooook it's part 3 $hsnnckckrjiddmxmskskxk PART 3 I TELL YOU ok that was dramatic but like ya. ANYWAY READDD ITTTT LOL*

Percy POV
Pushing myself away from the kitchen sink my sighing from minutes ago had come to a stop now I was just trying to figure out how I'd navigate a Manhattan mall or store. Like stores in small town were already busy enough how am I gonna get through this. Running my hands through my hair I started thinking or sarcastic ideas to get people out of my way such as 'I have a disease' (covid-19) 'I have a sword get out of my gods dams way' (hehehe riptide heheh dam) with a smirk on my face a pushed the ideas out of the way and started thinking about what I should do for the next, oh wait how much time do I have, looking up to the clock I see only 15 minutes of me caught in my thoughts. Well I guess going early wouldn't be the worst thing in the world and with that last thought, I stocked swiftly over towards the door tugging my best up ball cap off the coat hanger. I gave my pockets a small pat making sure I had everything, which I did. Quietly I opened the door with my empty hand as I raised my right hand and snugly pushed my hat onto my disheveled head of hair. Stepping through the open door with socked feet, just before I slowly shut the door I slide my hand to the inside handle locking it from the inside. Shoving my feet into my cold work boots that had spent the night on the deck, I tied the laces up loosely and walked off down the deck steps towards my truck. Tromping across the driveway, I grabbed the handle of the truck door. Giving a small yank the door came open which I quickly climbed in through. Once again like every other human being in there life I pulled the door closed behind me. Shoving the key swiftly into the ignition, giving it the normal twist the truck started up with a satisfying rumble. Turning in my seat I turned my head back to look out the window as I back onto the quite street. Shooting off toward the city I turned the classic country radio station up. It made me a little more ok with the fact that I had to go shopping, I mean I wasn't against being the one to do this, but I never said I had to like it.

Focusing in on the song I realized they were going extremely classic with John Denvers thank God I'm a country boy. Thay song had to be one of my favorites, I knew all the words and I guess I sang it alright with my texan accent or so I was told. Taking the next couple turns as I sang along quietly as I focused on the traffic and the route to target. Pulling into the slightly crowed parking lot, finding a parking spot rather quickly though I park my truck in. Opening the door extremely carfully being as there were expensive fucking cars beside me. Brushing it off I flicked the small lock on both doors before getting out of my seat and stepping on to the pavement below me. Pulling my keys back out of the ignition and put then in there respective place in my pockets. Slamming the door snuggly shut behind me I started to walk off towards the doors. Weaving in and out of cars and occasionally checking to make sure the New York drivers don't smush me like a mosquito.

As soon as I got within a step of the doors they slide open on the tracks allowing me to walk in. I was about to walk passed the carts thinking it would be useless if I got one but then realizing if I think it is useless in my situation right now I should probably grab one. So going with my gut I grabbed a small cart and slowly walked off into the Isles. Taking the cart up and down the hundreds or random Isles til I actually found the one that sported candy and chocolate. The funny thing was Paul hadn't texted me yet so I guess that was up to me. Pulling my card to the far side near the shelves I pulled my phone out of my pocket. Searching through my phone contacts I found Pauls name rather quickly,in stead of texting I pressed the small phone icon. Letting it ring through four or five time before Paul picked up. -"percy my class has pretty much started I can't really talk" only thought at the moment was -"fuck" which yay me I said aloud toward one of my three parent figures great I'm doing great. I could hear Paul chuckling as I apologize -"sorry Paul I didn't look at the time I mean I got here a 7 by the way I absolutely hate New York stores they are so big" Paul was now full hearted laughing at my 'achievements' or 'fuck ups' pulling the phone from my ear I checked the time Pauls class had started ten minutes ago mean it was only 7:40 holy shit I took forever in this damn store. -"hey Paul I have an idea" I could just see Pauls confused face right now as he Questioned -"and what may that be" I gave a small laugh and said -"just put me on speaker phone and turn the volume all the way up" internally crossing my fingers that he did it I said -"howdy y'all" I could hear murmurs in the background some about my extreme accent, others why is there a strange man talking to us. -"Mr.Bofis asked me to get some stuff for your class today but he did mention something about Friday but I can't really remember can someone remind me" I heard a huge roar of -"CANDY" and also a few groans I mean they were 9th graders what did I expect I mean I felt the exact same -"well can y'all hammer out what you want me to get" I could hear some shouts of different kinds which Paul intercepted by saying -"percy the top three kinds were kitkats, twix and M&M's can you get like five of each sleeve or something" following orders I stepped up to the plate, plucking the sleeves of ten off the shelf as I said -"ya Mr.Blowfish I got it see ya in a few" hanging up the phone I stuffed it into my pocket as I chucked the chocolate bars into the cart including some for me,Paul and potentially artemis because how can you not. Pushing the cart down a few other Isles before I went up to the cashier. Running the register was a young teenager me being my respectful self I said -"howdy" she looked up to look at me, but as soon as she met my eyes her demeanor changed I didn't really care though I was just getting my stuff done. Throwing all of the candy onto the conveyor belt she eyed me carfully I mean with that much candy I'd eye some up. Standing at the debit machine as she rang everything through, waiting a moment for her to get everything through. When she did she looked up at me, expecting me to say whatever I choose to pay with. Which in fact I did -"debit please ma'ma" I don't know if she took offense to me using term for a woman towards her a woman or if it was something else but I got the best dirty look i have seen in a while.

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