The Stakeout

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*you wake up from your alarm that you set last night. When you get up you look and see if the boys are still asleep, and they are. You hurry back to your room and get dressed you text vincent to make sure he is awake and ready. you sit on your bed and wait for the boys to wake up.*

About 30 minutes later you hear the boys in the hallway talking.

K: is everybody ready?

M: yeah

A: yep

K: good

M: is y/n still asleep?

A: im pretty sure. she's never up this early

K: go check just in case

*you hear them stepping toward your room. You run back to your bed and get in the covers quick. Then the door opens.*

A: see, sound asleep

K: ok let's go.

M: i'm driving

*he closes the door. You get back out of the bed and call vincent right away*

V: hello?

y/n: hey, they are leaving

V: I'm on my way

y/n: ok hurry

*You hear the boys leave the house and they lock the door behind them. You walk out of your room and into the living room, you look out the window and see them all get into Mattia's car. You run to the back door so they can't see you. You parked in the back so that you could get in your car without being seen. Once you get in the car you immediently call vincent*

y/n: Where are you?

V: down the street. wait for me

y/n: i can't they are pulling off now just meet me there. Im sending you my location so you can follow it,ok

V: y/n No! just wait do not go by yourself

y/n: i'll be fine

V: y/n please do-

*you hang up the phone so you can catch up with the boys*

V: hello? y/n. no, this can't be happening

*you follow the boys everywhere. you try not to make it too obvious that you are following them. 15 minutes pass and you follow them into this empty junk yard they park and get out of the car.*

Yeah going to the mall my ass

*you get out of your car following them. They turn a weird corner and when you turn the corner too. You see two black suv's and 6 scary men standing in front of them. All of them have guns. You start to get scared not knowing what is gonna happen*

what is all this?

*you hide behind an old torn up car so nobody can see you.*

Man 1: hello gentlemen, do you have what we need?

M: yes we do

*Mattia holds up a briefcase. The man nods his head directing one of the other men to go check the briefcase. As the man is walking, the other shoots.*

K: What the hell man!

A: im gonna puke

Man 1: this is what happens when you steal from me. If you don't want to end up like that I suggest you follow orders.

*you jump from the gun going off. You try to hold back your tears staring at the dead man on the ground. You try and move away so you dont have to look at it, as you move a metal plate drops on the floor making a loud sound. Everyone turned their heads to see where the sound came from. *

man3: what was that?

man1: you brough someone with you!

*he puts the gun up to Mattia's head*

K: Hey! what are you doing?

*mattia puts his hands up in the air*

M: No! we didn't i swear

A: we didn't it's only us

*you sit there frozen not knowing what to do. The man lowers his gun from mattia's head. you feel relieved*

man1: Go see what that sound was i came from over there

*he points right where you're hiding. you freeze not knowing where to go as the man walks toward you with his gun raised. You look around trying to find somewhere to go but you cant find anywhere .*

*As he's getting closer you feel someone put their hand over your mouth stopping you from making noise, and they pull you away. You sqirm and kick trying to get out of their grip but you can't. Your screaming for help but no one can hear you.*

no no no.....Let me go please. Vincent where are you?

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