the motel

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I quickly pull away and look at him shocked but he still has his eyes closed. i just sit there not knowing what to do. But then he opens his eyes.

V: why'd you- AH fuck!

i jump not expecting him to scream in my face

J: shit! you scared me...

I put my hand on my chest and take a deep breaths

V: what the fuck just happened, where did he go?

J: hold on i'm gonna puke..

he starts looking around like a crazy person and i get more confused by the second.

J: huh? where did who go?

he stops and looks me dead in the face

V: wait- why are you here?

J: dude what the hell are you talking about?

V: i was just with-

J: what- with wh-... hold on..

i sit there and think trying to figure out why he's acting so weird but i got nothing

J: what? i'm lost

i put my head in my hands and just sit there. Vincent stares into space for a few minutes till he puts everything together.

V: no. no no...he...y-you.

He stands up and starts pacing the room, but he stops and looks at me.

V: hey!

i look up at him annoyed. He stares right at my face and he looks very serious.

V: tell me we didn't j-just...

J: no! I didn't do anything there is no "we" YOU did that.


J: what do you mean "no" it was you.

V: okay look i'm drunk but i'm not that drunk. i thought you were someone else-

J: seriously? that's why this is happening. You were hallucinating...great

V: ok well maybe i was a little drunk...

J: a little? yeah right

V: whatever, and don't think i don't remember what you said

J: what did i say...?

He stands there and stares at me for a second then points at me

J- why are you poi-

V: you just confessed your feelings for if you wanted to kiss me then you could've just said that

He laughed and crossed his arms.

J: what! fuck no! all i said was that you were hot, not that i had feelings for you. Believe it or not, y/n is the only person that will EVER feel that way about you.

i put my hands up surrendering and he rolls his eyes and puts his middle finger up at me.

the room goes silent for a second and then he speaks

V: so you think i'm hot?

J: eh you're a good looking guy i guess, but apparently you think i am too

V: no! I thought you were someone else....

I lay down on the bed looking at the ceiling, smiling

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