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A boy walks in with water and food.He looked like he was your age but you couldn't tell. He walked confidently. You're excited and curious because you were starving but you didn't know who he was or why he was there. But he was hot, he had a muscle shirt on showing of his muscular arms his dark blue eyes catching your attention. You mind starts to wander when you hear the door close behind him which snapped you out of it.

V: who the hell are you!?

*He ignores vincent and sets everything down and walks towards the door.*

y/n: wait!...

*when he heard you he stopped and turned around.*

y/n: who are you?  I'm y/n, what's your name?

*He chuckled staring right at you. His laugh sending butterflies through your stomach.*

J: I know who you are.

y/n: ok, well your turn.

J: jessie

y/n: ok...jessie, where is mattia?

J: he left, he won't be back for a few days.

y/n: can you help us? 

J: why would i want to do that?

*He scoffed and started to back up and move closer toward the door before you can say anything else he goes back up the stairs, and locks the door behind him*. 

V: who is that? his brother?

y/n: i don't know

*You walk to the back of the room and slide your back down the wall onto the floor. You sit with you knees to your chest and put your head in your arms.*

y/n: we are never going to get out of here.

* later he brings back blankets, pillows, and a clock*

y/n: thanks...

J: you could sound a little more enthusiastic but your welcome

*He smirks at you and you roll your eyes at him, and walk away.*  

V: what's the clock for?

J: to read the time dumbass, what else would it be for? 

*Vincent glares at him and takes the clock, he smirks at me and heads back up the stairs*.

V: he could get us out of here.

y/n: he won't...

*Vincent lays out the blankets and lays down with his head facing the ceiling. You lay next to him and do the same. You lay there for a second then you turn toward him, He does the same and you both stare at eachother. You stare into his light green eyes.*

y/n: you have pretty eyes

V: thanks for reminding me.

y/n: anytime

*You both laugh and then it gets silent*

V: y/n...

y/n: yeah?

V: nevermind...

y/n: wha- no now you have to tell me.

V: what happened to us?

y/n: nothing yet. But we'r-

V: no, i mean...before all of this, 2 years ago...

y/n: oh...our lives happened. We were going in different directions.

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