The Mandalorian

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The planet known as Arvala-7 was not much to Lena's liking.

Sure, the place looked nice enough when you first show up, but the brown and shades of red grow increasingly dull over time. Consistant landscapes made any distance travelled feel like none. Not to mention that there were rocks everywhere. Somehow, there always seemed to be one in her shoe.

Of course, her dislike for the planet may have been for simply the luck she's had since she got there. Though she supposed that surviving a ship crash in the way that she did, and happening to find someone who not only helped her heal up but was willing to give her lodging until she found a way off the planet was lucky in its own way.

Despite the landscape always seemed to blend into itself, she was thankful that there were some markers on the cliffs to tell her where she was. Vaguely she heard the soft beeping of the tracking fob in her back pocket but paid it no mind. It was the reason she was here. There was someone on this planet that she was supposed to find.

But priorities change, such is life.

She watched the landscape for the couple of Blurg she was following. Kuiil had sent her out ahead of her to catch up to them. He said he'd be around shortly thereafter.

They were still too far away for her to stun them, and definitely too in the open. No doubt they'd attack her if she tried to get close. She needed some kind of cover or distraction for them.

As she mused about how to catch the beasts, a low rumble caught her attention. The sound of a ship. The woman quickly lept behind a rock and stayed low, watching the sky.

She stayed still as the ship flew over the small valley and landed not too far from her. It looked old, but clearly was functioning. Part of her questioned who could be here, but she knew the answer.

Someone else had been given the job.

By creeping closer she managed to find her way to the ridge overlooking the area now used as a parking spot. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw two Blurg approaching the ship, the few others stayed down in the valley.

The doors on the ship opened to let a man in some very expensive-looking, and identity-revealing armour walkout. Lena had heard of him in the guild and knew the look of that armour. A Mandalorian.

She hadn't been in the guild long before taking this job, maybe two or three years? Still, this guy was known. Always got the job done, loner, a real don't-fuck-with-me vibe.

"Perfect." She muttered to herself rather sarcastically. She figured if it was anyone else she'd be able to get a ride off the planet. If what she's heard about him is true then this guy would probably just leave her.

She watched as he pulled out a gun, it looked like some kind of sniping weapon. After checking the tracking fob in his hand he looked through the scope in the direction of the asset. Lena watched, somewhat interested in how the professional operated, somewhat trying to figure out how to make her presence known without being shot at.

Maybe I should just leave him alone entirely.

It was then that the roar of a Blurg caught her attention. As she had been watching the bounty hunter it had gotten much closer and in Blurg fashion, had decided he was a threat.

She was startled to see flame burst out of his arm but shrugged it off as some fancy Mandalorian weapon. Whatever it was, it didn't do any good. The Blurg grabbed him by the arm and started tossing him around.

"Ah kriff."

Lena watched as he struggled to free himself and decided this was as good of a time as any to grab that Blurg and introduce herself. With a quick movement, she jumped over the edge of the small cliff. It wasn't more than a few meters drop but she still extended her hands just before landing to slow her descent.

The Mandalorian ~ Force To Be Reckoned WithWhere stories live. Discover now