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General pain was the first thing Lena felt as she awoke. It filled her body, internally and externally. Her head pounded and at the same time felt like it was being stabbed.
The second thing she noticed was the dirt beneath her and warm rock she was leaned against. Sunlight streamed down onto her face, it was warm but not hot. A present distraction from the rest of her body.

A groan escaped her lips as she tried to move her head, everything hurt. 

Slowly the woman opened her eyes and moved her arms a bit. Wincing with every harsh movement, but she continued anyways.

They hurt, but not as bad as she originally thought. Her neck however.. 

With a slow movement, she reached up to touch where the pain was most intense. With a sharp hiss, she withdrew her hand. 

The aches in her muscles and body where to be expected, the pain where she got hit too. Still, she was annoyed. 

With gritted teeth, she forced herself to look around. The Mandalorian's ship lay ahead of her. Still in pieces and one part smoking.

To her right sat the Child in its pod. Its doe eyes watching her. 

"Hey kid." a croak escaped her. She coughed to clear her throat, the movement causing more stabs of pain.

She couldn't see but from experience guessed she had a large bruise on the side of her neck. That was the normal aftermath of getting hit with a stun rod on bare skin. The kind of injury was nothing new, unfortunately, but still rather unpleasant.

The kid babbled and whined a bit, forcing her out of her thoughts and giving a welcome alternative to focus on.  It looked concerned,

"So where's Mando? And how did we get here?" Lena asked the kid but was really asking herself. She stood with a huff and more aches but did her best to ignore them. 

The kid whined again so she picked it up. As she did the remnants of the ship before her started humming.  One of the engines started, then failed to turn on. It was followed by the other with similar success. 

"I bet he's in there. Hm?" She spoke again to the child, watching the ship.

Suddenly she felt the child pull on the force, strongly. She looked at it almost in a panic, unsure what it was trying to do. It had its hand outreached to the wound on her neck. As it did she felt the ache and pain lessen, slowly at first then considerably. With awe, she watched the child before it's hand fell and its body sank into her arms. 

It gave a happy babble and fell asleep seconds later. Lena carefully set it back into its pod then reached to her neck, this time she could bear to touch it, though it still hurt the bruise had healed considerably. The rest of her felt better too, impossibly so.

Lena stared at the child. Clearly, this kid was strong, very, very, strong. Even her old master didn't have its power. Lena had been told before that she was strong in the force, to this child she was just an ant, nothing.

She was afraid of what the ex-imperial's had in store for it. They seemed to want it dead, but then they also asked for it alive. Perhaps they want to harness its powers. She shuttered at the thought, a sith lord with this strength is the last thing the galaxy needed right now.

But do they want it, or force users in general?

She had always kept herself hidden. She had to. When she used the force she only could use it in ways that to the average eye could be passed off, disregarded. She knew what could happen if she was found out. Hell, it was why she became a bounty hunter. If someone wanted to go after her she might have a heads up.

The Mandalorian ~ Force To Be Reckoned WithWhere stories live. Discover now