A Child

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Not my art up there, just thought it was cute ^-^


Once Kuiil had left the pair made their way to the compound, Lena gave the man a quick rundown of what to expect. A lot of guns, and combatants.

"By the way, do you have a name or should I just call you 'The Mandalorian'?"

She looked at him, hoping for a response but was just met with a stare. At least she assumed he was looking at her from inside his helmet. 

"Alrighty 'Mando' it is." 

Though quiet, she heard a tired sigh from the man. She figured he probably had heard the nickname before. If he isn't gonna offer anything else she wasn't sure what else he would expect people to call him. 

The two reached the ledge looking over the small set of buildings. Mando pulled out the long weapon from his back and used it to check the area. Lena felt drawn to the main building. 

When she had come here once before, with Kuiil, she had the same feeling about that place. It was like a pull in the force was telling her to go there, that something was there. It worried her that the source may be the asset they were looking for. 


She snapped back to attention. "What is it?"

"Bounty droid." 

She looked down below, sure enough, an IG-11 unit was walking into the camp. Its robotic voice could be heard just after her eyes landed on it. "Subparagraph 16 of the Bondsman Guild protocol waiver compels you to immediately produce said asset."

A few of the guards ran out and started firing but were all quickly shot by the unit. All the doors shut as a lockdown was initiated.

"Droids." The Mandalorian sounded very irritated as he stood. 

Lena didn't need direction, the two left to go join the droid below.


They made it down and behind a set of pillars when the unit repeated his previous statement. "Subparagraph 16 of the Bondsman Guild protocol waiver compels you to immediately produce said asset."

"Stay back." He didn't give the girl a chance to argue and stepped around the bit of the wall to confront the droid. "IG Unit! Stand down." He'd barely gotten the words from his lips when the droid turned and shot him. The blast sent him flying back into a bunch of barrels. 

"Mand-" Lena's cry was cut short when he moved. Perhaps she didn't know about the Beskar.

"We're in the guild! Don't shoot." Din watched as she stepped out and showed the droid the tracking fob. He grabbed his to show as well. He noticed she was smart in her movements, only just stepping out of cover to show the droid the proof. She was ready to hide again if need be.

"You are both guild members? I thought I was the only one on assignment."

"That makes three of us." Din walked over to the other side of the archway Lena stood in. The building provided at least a little cover.

"So much for the element of surprise." Lena spoke up to the droid who seemed to pay her comment no mind. Din agreed with her sentiment.

"Sadly I must ask for your fobs. I have already issued the writ of seizure. The bounty is mine."

"Unless I am mistaken, you are, as of yet, empty-handed." He argued back, not in the mood to deal with the robot. 

The men the droid was fighting earlier had not yet re-appeared and he was starting to get concerned. Lena was checking around, looking for them too. He noticed she had drawn her pistol-styled blaster.

The Mandalorian ~ Force To Be Reckoned WithWhere stories live. Discover now