The Sin

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Seriously its so awesome, they've re-made a bunch of iconic starwas songs in a medival fashion. ITS SO COOL!!!


She had been here before.

Not exactly but the situation was the same, restrained and captured by those who want to either kill her or use her for powers she was born with. 

Absently she pulled on her restraints, the metal clasps around her wrists, biceps, waist, and ankles didn't budge. The table-like thing she was attached too kept her facing forward, upright and well secured.

Once the client, whose name she still didn't know, had finished his little monologue she was taken here.

Lena smiled slightly to herself, she didn't go without a fight. Two stormtroopers were out cold before she was secured to the table. Another one likely had at least a fractured arm.

They all left then, but two guarded the doorway. She could sense them standing there. 

She took the time alone to meditate. As she slowed her breathing and focused her senses stretched out into the building. She remarked to herself how she was always good at using the force when meditating, clearing her mind and just letting the mystical power flow through her. 

She could more clearly feel the two men guarding her door. Down the hallway and to her left she could feel more lifeforms. She could feel one was very anxious and nervous, one was calm with a low sense of pride. She guessed those where the Docter and Client respectively. The last presence in the room was radiating into the force. Its emotions where a slight level of fear though mostly curiosity. 

She was relieved to know they weren't harming the child. Yet.

Content that it was okay she shifted her attention to the controls box in the corner of the room. Atop it lay her gun and extendable staff. Her saber was likely still on the desk in the main room. 

The control box itself had a few buttons and dials. Used to control the table she was laying on. 

Unfortunately in her struggle to resist being put on the table in the first place she neglected to see which buttons where used in securing her, and in turn didn't know which ones to poke at with the force. 

Perhaps if I had been patient.  She knew her master would have told her to be. Though I've never been good at that. 

She knew she needed to wait for an opportunity but didn't want to. Though the child was okay at the time, she didn't know how long that would last. Not to mention Lena really didn't want to see what they had in store for her. 


It was about two or three hours later when she heard some people heading down the hallway towards her room. Stormtroopers by the sounds of their footsteps. In reaching out she could feel that both the men approaching where filled with anger and a sickening confidence. The two emotions together made her worry. 

They stopped outside her door. She smiled at them all as the heavy metal plates separated and the two men stepped inside. Behind floated in a black droid.

Interrogation droid, IT-0 model.


"Hello boys, what can I do for you?" She kept her voice sweet and plesent. Dispite her growing concerns. 

"Shut up." She let her smile fade, they weren't gonna be kind about this.

One trooper stood off to her left and the other to the right. The droid flew up to her and hovered to the side of her head. It then extended a few of its arms which attached themselves to her temples.

The Mandalorian ~ Force To Be Reckoned WithWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt