Just a stupid dream

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Taylor POV

I groan as I pull up infront of my parents house. My mother is not the most pleasant person to be around but I have to be here for my sister. Just as I open the door of my car my phone rings and I immediately smile as I look down at the screen.
"Hey Madi" I say grabbing my bag.
"Hi babe how are you?" She asks and I sigh.
"I'm at my parents house so not great" I hear her chuckle.

"Aww you poor thing just remember to be nice and smile" I laugh.
"That's the drill" she laugh her adorable laugh that I love so much.
"I miss you so much" she sighs.
"I miss you way more, but I'll be home in two weeks" I lean against my car and look at my parents huge mansion.
"I'm counting down the days" she laugh again.
"I have to go my love, I love you" I say.
"I love you more baby, have a nice time" I roll my eyes.

"Never, say hi to Oscar for me"
"I will, bye love"
"Bye, baby " I end the call and sigh louder. I miss my baby so much and I know she's doing it for her job but I still miss her. I put my phone away and walk to the front of the house.
"Good morning Taylor" our door assistant says and I smile big at him.
"Morning Conner, hows your children?" He smiles.
"There doing great Taylor how's your girlfriend, is she still the same one?" I laugh.

"Yes and she's doing great she's working over seas but she will be back in two weeks" he smiles.
"I'm sure you can't wait to see her again"
"Yes" he opens the door for me and I thank him before walking in.
"SISTER!" I hear Adora scream from a top the stairs. I look up and she comes rushing down and throws her arms around me.
"Hey sis" I say hugging her back and laughing. 

"I'm getting married and I still can't believe it!" I laugh as we pull apart.
"Neither can I" Adora is only four years older then me and she's already getting married. I am in no rush to get married and as much as I love Madi I just don't think I'm ready for it, I'm still to young.
"Where's everyone else?" I hear laughter and I turn my head to see my baby sister Sophia come running to me. I bend down and pick her up.
"TAYLOR!" She says wrapping her small arms around my neck and squeezing.

"Don't strangle me" I say and she laughs.
"Where's your twin?" I ask Adora and put Sophia down. She runs off and I smile.
"His upstairs playing video games what else would he be doing" I laugh.
"I might just join him"
"Nope" she says grabbing my hand and pulling me along. I groan but put on my best smile as I see my mother talking to a wedding planner. She turns her head and sees me. She looks back at the wedding planner and tells them to move along. They nod there heads and walk away.

"Taylor what a pleasant surprise that your late again" I smile. I would of been later but traffic was smooth today.
"Nice to see you too mom" she smiles and walks to me and gives me a small hug.
"You do know your sister is getting married in three weeks and we need your help" never thought I'd hear my mom say that.
"Sure what do you need?" I ask looking at Adora.
"We want you to design the wedding invitation" I smile.

"Sure" I say and I look back at my mom.
"Good I want them by Sunday"
"Sure mom" I say looking around the house.
"Are you still with that girl?" My mom asks with a hint of disgust. She hasn't been that support of it but she learned to suck it up.
"Yes mom I'm still with Madi who I have been with for the past three years, you have to stop asking me that" I say and she gives me a small forced smile.

"You're taking Madi to my wedding right?" Adora asks cheerfully.
"Yep" Adora smiles bigger.
"Madi is such a sweetheart and the best person ever!" I laugh and nod my head.
"Are you going to marry her?" My mom asks and I sigh.
"In the future yes" she rolls her eyes.
"How's work?" Adora asks and I smile.
"It's great I love the kids even though one of them keeps bothering me she's still sweet" Adora smiles.

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