The bittersweet end

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Dixie POV

We all rush into the hospital as Charli was being pulled on by a cot. She was coughing badly as they tried there best to help her. I saw my parents come rushing to us tears falling down there faces.
"My baby!" My mom says and I look at Charli.
"She needs a lung transplant" one of the doctors said.
"Well the gods having given us a gift cause we just got a lung for her" my heart stopped. We have been waiting for a new lung for Charli for forever and finally she has one.

"But we have to go now!" The doctor said and I looked at Charli.
"Wait" she said weakly. We all looked at her and she reached for Addison. Addisons took her hand.
"Take care of her for me, if I don't make it" I said and I started crying harder.
"Charli you're gonna be okay, you hear me!" Addison said.
"Please Addison just promise me you'll take care of my sister for me" she said and started coughing.

"I promise you Charli but hang on okay" Charli nods her head.
"I love you all" she says as they start to pull her away.
"I love you baby" Avani shouts.
"We love you Charli!" We all shout and she disappears into the surgery room. I didn't know what to do. I felt so empty, so numb. I just stood there until I felt someone grab my arms. I look at Addison and she was crying just like me.

She pulled me into her arms and I held onto her for dear life.
"She's going to be okay Dixie" Addison said but we had no idea if she would be okay. Not everyone makes it through a lung transplant.

* * *

"Girls why don't you go home and get some rest" my mom says to Addison and I and I shake my head. I yawn and look at Addison who was sitting next to me.
"I don't want to leave Charli" my mom looks at me and sighs.
"I know you don't my love but it will take a long time until she will be out, please just go home and try and get some sleep. As soon as she's out we will call you" my mom says and Addison gets up.

"Come on Dix lets try and get some sleep" Addison looked exhausted and I felt bad that she had to stay here with me even though she protested and said that she wanted to stay. Avani was sent home about 30 minutes before us even though she protested the most. Avani's parents were worried about her and wanted her home

I nod my head and take Addisons hand. My mom comes up to me and kisses my forehead. I give her a weak smile and look at my dad who was pacing around the hospital for the past two hours. Addison leads me outside and she drives my car. I don't let go of her hand even when we arrive at home and go into my house. I lay down on the bed and sigh burying my head in the sheets.

"What if she doesn't make it?" I say sitting up.
"Dixie don't say that"
"But she might not wake up!" I snap at her which I didn't mean to do. The look on her face made me feel extremely guilty.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to snap at you" I say and she takes a seat on the bed.
"It's okay Dixie, I know it's hard but just stay positive for Charli's sake" I nod my head and she puts her hand on my back.

"Let's get ready for bed" she says and gets up.
"Can we shower together?" I ask and she smiles and nods her head.
"Duh Dixie you've seen me naked many times, you don't even have to ask" I laugh and shake my head.
"Yeah okay" she takes my hand and leads me into the bathroom. Her and I had an innocence shower because I didn't want to be pleasured when Charli's going through everything.

We get dressed in a casual clothes just in case and I get into bed. Addison snuggles into my side and I could see that she wanted to sleep. I smile and look at her. She lifts her head and looks at me with sleepy eyes.
"I love you Addison never forget that" she smiles.
"I love you and you never forget" I smile and she gives my lips a tired kiss before putting her head in my neck.

I could feel my eyes begin to feel heavy and I could tell Addison was already asleep. I just hope Charli's okay and with that I close my eyes.

* * *

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