He'll never hurt you again

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A/n slight trigger warning for some people

Dixie POV

"Dixie get in the car!"
"Just give me a moment!" I say and walk away from my car and towards Talia. I stood behind her and when she turned around she got a fright.
"Jeez Dixie!" She says and stare at her.
"What do you want?" She says with a hint of attitude.
"Why are you with Griffin, he's not a great guy?" I say and she rolls her eyes.
"Dixie I'm not invading your relationship why should you invade mine?" She says and I sigh and rub the back of my neck with my hand.

"Look Talia I just want to know why you're with him when you knew he was spreading those rumors about me?" She rolls her eyes and let's out an annoyed laugh.
"You know what Dixie" she says coming right up into my face.
"I helped Griffin spread those rumors about you just so that you would get in trouble. I knew you would pick a fight with Griffin and then get kicked out of Track. I wanted you gone so that I could be Captain" I look at her and clench my jaw. This bitch.

"Excuse me you got me kicked off track!" I say to her.
"You're a selfish bitch and I'm going to tell everyone what you did" I say and she just simply gives me a wicked smile.
"I wonder if Addisons parents know about you and her" I clench my jaw.
"Leave Addison out of this" she smiles.
"Oh so they don't know Hmm?" I stare down at her and she laughs.

"It would be such a shame if her parents got an anonymous tip about what you guys are up to"
"You have no prove and without it her parents will never believe you" I say back to her smiling.
"Oh but I do" I frown and she pulls out her phone.
"You know kissing at camp out in the opening was a mistake cause it's then so easy to catch you" she shows me a picture of Addison and I kissing in the rain. I'll admit it was a cool photo but I'm not focused on that right now. I can't let this get out to Addison parents.

"You little bitch" I say she smiles at me and puts her phone away.
"This is how it's going to go Dixie, you're going to keep your god damn mouth shut about the whole track thing and I'll make sure that Addisons parents never find this photo" I look away from her and clench my jaw again.
"Fine" I spit out and I look back at her.
"Good" she says and opens her car door.
"Fuck you Talia" I say and she looks at me.

"right back at you" she gets in her car and I run my hands over my face before turning around and walking back to my car. I get in and slam the door shut. Charli looks up from her phone and frowns at me.
"Everything okay?" She asks and I start the car.
"Everything's fine" I say coldly and pull out of the parking lot. There's no way I can tell anyone about Talia it's the only way I can keep Addison safe.

Addison POV

I don't know why I sitting here waiting to see who got chosen to become a cheerleader when I'd much rather be with Dixie, but no Avani dragged me here and made me try out. Sure I got the moves and all but I don't really want to do this.
"Okay who will become cheerleaders is Teagan, Chloe, Ella, Avani and Addison" the girls all cheer while I just stare at all of them from the floor.
"We got in Addison!" Avani shouts and I smile.

"Yay now can we go home?" I say and she rolls her eyes at me.
"Yeah fine" I get up and dust myself off.
"I'm going to grab my bag"
"Can you please grab mine too?" Avani asks giving me praying hands and puppy eyes.
"Sure" I say and she smiles. I walk across the field and into the locker room. It was extreme quiet when I turned the corner. I see my bag and Avani's and I pick them up. That's when I hear a door close, looks like Avani decide to come here.

"Avani?" I shout but I get no reply, that's odd. I walk around the corner and I don't see anyone. Maybe it was just the wind but I couldn't help but feel my heart race. This is like a horror movie and I'm not staying around to find out what happens next. A locker closes and I jump. That was extremely close to me. I look around and try and fish for my phone in my bag. I quickly take it in my hand and before I could phone Dixie someone pushed me into the lockers and my phone feel to the ground.

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