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throughout the years that followed, hongjoong hadn't really changed. faint lines decorated his pale arms and thighs, both too thin to be considered healthy, his height increasing but not as quickly as those of the other boys in his class. he was in his first year of highschool then, and though his life was much the same as it always had been, he'd discovered with a fear-inducing realisation that yet another factor rendered him different from his classmates.

hongjoong, through the foggy eyes of youth and naivete, realised that the boy who had never left his side, was growing to be prettier each day.

hongjoong, through the limited funnel of thought he was taught to have, perceived this as an odd and disturbing way of seeing his friend.

despite his best attempts however, it was impossible to ignore the way seonghwa's smile made daisies bloom and how his laughter brought birds to sing - and it was unfathomable to even consider evading his warm touch and lofty conversations.

when they'd walked to the beach one hot july morning, another saturday spent with their assigned summer school group, seonghwa had offered hongjoong an earphone, chattering passionately about a band he'd recently discovered and simply had to make the shorter listen to.

hongjoong never said no to the boy and that time was no exception, for he allowed the other to fit the earphone into his right ear and for a smile to curl his lips as music swarmed around his brain.

"aren't they awesome?" seonghwa asked, a confident grin ever-present on his mouth, his dark irises expectant and eager for the brunet's approval.

"yeah, they are," hongjoong confirmed, bobbing his head to the beat.

in all honesty, whether he liked the band for what it was or because the song was something seonghwa himself wanted him to hear, hongjoong wasn't sure, but the satisfaction and cheer of happiness that the older gave at his answer was enough to send his heart soaring.

"you and i have the best damn music taste," he stated with certainty, momentarily lolling his head back to glance up at the clear sky, "we're basically the same."

and hongjoong hummed, eyes lingering on the profile of the taller who remained unaware, distractedly allowing himself to sink into the hills and valleys that made up seonghwa's smooth face.

his palms were sweaty and his stomach was swirling,
but there was you.


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