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I didn't really realize how big the power difference between Carter and Vitali was against the other ten until this moment.

All of them seemed to deflate rapidly, their eyes downcast, and fear flash on their faces.

I could see Nico too was watching it, his eyebrows raising slightly at the change and he whistled softly.


Sebastian had always seemed the more approachable out of the two but my opinion changed the moment his cold expression had pinned Dallas where he stood.

Gabriel was leaning against a nearby tree, watching the exchange, his eyes were locked on Andre who avoided his gaze.

How long had they been there?

I stood, brushing off the grass from my skirt, and bent to pick up my thigh-high socks.

Conscious of an audience, I quickly slipped them and my shoes on, buckled them up, and stood.

Nico and Cameron were behind me, Nico gripping my forearm as he turned his impassive glance to Sebastian.

"This seems like a private meeting. We need to get to class."

Sebastian's eyes left Dallas and switched his gaze to Nico.


Andre is correct.

You are a part of us now."

Sebastian's voice was even, however it was clear it was a not request or suggestion.

Jesus, how did we not see them?

Nico flexed his fingers on my forearm, the only indication he was getting agitated.

"Pretty boy get to class."

Cameron hesitated at Nico's order but I gave him a small smile.

"Go honey. We'll call you afterward."

I heard two growls and Cameron darted off quickly, blending in with the other students.

Nico hooked his arm around my middle and I leaned back into him, his chin on the top of my head.

"I knew Ares preferred male company but I didn't realize he had an exception."

I placed my hand on Nico's forearm, feeling the slight ripple of tension in his body.

I could feel Nico's mood grow darker and I rubbed softly on his arm to calm him.

The move didn't go unnoticed by Gabriel, who hadn't moved his void eyes from Nico's hold on me, his face indifferent.

He's got the expressions of a rock.

Sebastian's tone was dry, his eyes unwavering to Nico's as the others watched in rapt attention.

It was a sore topic for Nico.

When I was sixteen, one of my undercover jobs went wrong and I was captured.

I was chained to a basement wall for three days and for those three days, I had fought off unwanted hands even after long hours of torture.

I had the scars to prove it.

Nico blamed himself since I had taken the job when Nico was out of the country.

After that experience, I knew my romantic view on virginity was a weakness.

It had to be taken in case I wasn't so lucky next time.

I couldn't be broken because of rape.

So when rescued, I had begged Nico to help me.

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