Chapter 1: A Totally Normal and Fine Evening

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Ding Dong!  The door rang, snapping the group out of their idle state.

"Kyle, you go get it!" Justin nagged, his tone obviously implying his laziness, "Fine, don't start the next episode without me, okay?" Kyle requested with a soft voice, hoping it would hide his annoyance with Justin's attitude. Kyle got up from his sofa that he shared with Arkin, his best friend since childhood, and his feet touched the carpeted floor. Kyle glared at Justin, who was sitting beside John, his other bestfriend since childhood, for the last time. Their eyes were still glued to the television, they were watching  their favorite sitcom "Brooklyn Nine Nine" as he began heading for the door, footstep after footstep were all followed with a creak from the floor boards. 'I should probably fix that, it might be a hazard.' Kyle thought, knowing that he'll most likely forget about it. He arrived in front of the door, he reached for the doorknob and twisted and pulled it in a gentle manner, just to be polite to whoever may be outside. On the doorstep outside, stood a man, his hand shook as if there was a fly that landed on it. The man was covered in blood, Kyle would've been alerted if it were not Halloween. "Oh, you're trick or treating? Damn, aren't you a little too old for that?" He said as the man reached his hand out towards Kyle's face. He pushed the man's hand gently away from him "Fine, fine, fine. Here, just hands off me, dude." Kyle gave the man some old candy he left on a table near the door, just before the stranger seemed to try and say something, Kyle closed the door in front of him, ending whatever kind of conversation that was. 'Sheesh, trick or treaters get more demanding as they age.'  He thought, 'Wait a minute, it's the middle of March!'  Kyle's eyes widened in realization as well as horror as the man outside punched the door with all of his might, the hinges of it were barely hanging on. 

"Guys! Get over here!" His throat barely being able to yell it clearly. The three rushed to the door, they spotted Kyle trying to hold back the shaking and rattling door from breaking open, his face widened with horror. "Arkin, what the hell do we do?" Kyle uttered in a panicked and stressed voice. John hesitantly helped Kyle block the door from being kicked in while Arkin and Justin stressed to think of a plan. "I think we should--" Arkin's idea was interrupted as the hinges finally broke down, they didn't need a genius to figure out that more than one person were pushing on the other side. "Guys! Head to the rooftop! I'll hold them back long enough for you guys!" John struggled to yell as he fumbled with keeping the broken door closed. Without hesitation, Kyle, Justin and Arkin bolted upstairs, turning right, and then into the room where the staircase to the roof is. John knew that he couldn't hold the door shut any more, his strength was draining, he couldn't hold it even for a single second. With his life on the line, John made a run for it, leaping after every 5 steps because of his nervousness. Adrenaline pumped through  his veins, his heart beat quicker. The door made a deafening noise as it finally stumbled down onto the ground, John didn't even need to turn around to know that a bunch of people were chasing him, bloodthirsty as it seems. He made it to the staircase, skipping every two steps, slowly getting faster with each step. The intruders chasing John followed even faster, He knew that they would gain up on him. Just as he was about to accept his fate, all of a sudden, the floor broke through, Kyle's cheap house had given John a second chance on life. The strangers stumbled and tripped on the poorly done boarding, slowing themselves down and letting John escape. He finally made it into the second floor and hurriedly went to the room that led to the rooftop, John closed and locked the door behind him hoping to slow them down for at least a few minutes, and with one last door to open, he finally arrived on the rooftop. Justin immediately closed the door from where John came from, they were safe, but for how long?

Noises, horrible noises filled the air, car crashes, gunshots and loud, horrible, gut-wrenching screams were all they could hear. Fires illuminated the town, lighting it enough to see the mess that they call their town. People chasing after each other, were they witnessing a zombie apocalypse? "What do you think is happening?" Kyle asked after almost an hour of the group's silence and shock. "Well, it's as obvious as it seems, we're in a zombie apocalypse." Arkin replied in a grim tone, the zombies that chased them earlier had given up on them, no noise came from inside Kyle's home. "Do you think it's safe inside?" Justin asked with fear of being judged by his friends. "I don't think so, maybe they're just roaming idly inside the house, don't want to spend the first chapter being eaten alive, am I right?" John said in a joking kind of tone, Kyle only gave him a glare that gave off 'never break the fourth wall' vibes. With the group now silent once again, they lied down on the floor, resting and falling asleep. 

The day finally came, and it was horrible. The group was spiraling into a panic, they had no idea what to do, where would they get food and water? What happens if a zombie comes up? What happened to the world? Stress, anxiety, and fear filled their heads, they were running out of ideas. Kyle sat on the ledge of the rooftop, hoping to distract himself from all the negative thinking. He was just sitting there, idly, nothing was happening. The street was silent for the most part, there were still a bit of zombies roaming around, but there was no one to be seen. Kyle was about to get up, formulate a plan, when suddenly an old man dressed in blue ran into the streets. It appeared that he worked for the police department, as he brought out a shotgun and wore a badge. He scavenged around the ruins caused by the sudden outbreak, finding nothing but scrap. Kyle called for his group's attention and pointed to the cop's direction, the cop was still looting the abandoned cars, some were clean, and some were covered in blood so dark, it almost absorbed the light the sun emitted. On the other side of the street, came two dead people, they screeched as they finally realized that the cop seemed like a viable host for the infection. The zombies began to sprint towards him, the poor man isn't even looking at what may cause his demise. When they finally got closer, the cop turned and hit them with the barrel of his shotgun in one swift turn. He was about to shoot the head of one of the the incapacitated zombies when the other one grabbed the barrel, the old man couldn't pull it back. Kyle covered his eyes, he knew what would happen next, and he couldn't take it if he watched one more second of the conflict. The others had the same reaction, Justin turned around, away from the mayhem, and started to hum to calm himself. Arkin cringed so badly he fell flat on the floor, he just stayed there, with no intention of getting up until the old man's fate has been done. John was different, more heroic. Without hesitation, he jumped down onto a roof beside Kyle's house that was far lower, but would cause no harm from that height.

Kyle was shocked, should he follow? John jumped onto the neighbor's car from the roof, and finally leaped down to the same level where the old man was. John began to sprint to save the cop. "Guys! We need to help him, let's go!" Arkin said as he leapt onto the same roof John went, Kyle saw that there was no use to being a spectator, but there was still a problem, he just couldn't figure out what. Kyle suddenly began to move on his own, jumping from roof to roof, his body made the choice for him. He heard Justin follow as well. When Kyle jumped down from the car, he fell down and landed on his feet then fell onto his chest, earning a sneaky laugh from Justin. "Help me out will ya?" Kyle grudgingly said as Justin finally helped him up, He brushed his clothes to get rid of any dust. When he finally looked up from his shirt, he saw John trying to help the cop fend off the two zombies. Kyle sprinted to help them as well, his left ankle hurting with every step, he tripped again, something about his landing went wrong. Arkin was the one who helped him up this time. John's situation was going great until a zombie burst out from one of the buildings' window behind the old man, glass shattered as the undead man went through it with all of the force one corpse can act upon. John realized that there was no hope, the zombie jumped onto the old man right in front of him, the zombies on the floor had let go of the shotgun, just to strengthen their grip onto their poor victim. Biting and scratching along with screams of agony filled the air, deafening John for a while. He then, in a sickened and disgusted manner, pulled the gun away from them and sprinted towards his group. 

When John finally got back, a bunch of zombies had arrived, and when the bunch realized that the cop was finally infected, they turned towards the group's direction. Without hesitation, Justin grabbed the shotgun from John's arms, and opened fire onto the nearest zombie hurdling towards them, the gunshot echoed throughout the whole town, sealing their fate.

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