😈Just Suzy Being Suzy😈

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Chapter 26


"Aunt/Suzy?!" Me and Thomas said in unison.

"Hello everyone! Miss me?!" She ask with a giggle that cause Candace to scream and hid behind Stacy while Iris fell on her knees in panic.

"Iris, it's just Aunt Suzy. There's nothing to be afraid of..." Thomas comforted before I felt someone grip on my left wrist.

"I don't t-trust h-her..." she yelp before I bend in her level.

"Need any help this time?" I ask with a whisper.

"At this m-moment... definitely y-yes..." she whisper back before I hid her behind me and grab her hand.

"Suzy, glad you show up! I almost thought you can't come!" Jeremy exclaim before I give a frown when Suzy was staring curiously at Iris.

"Who is SHE?" she ask 'innocently' as she point Iris.

Iris start sobbing quietly beside me before I sign Thomas to make her stop.

"Her name is Iris! The new member and child between the Flynn and Fletcher family!" Baljeet explain before I shot a glare at him that cause him to shut his big mouth up.

"Oh really?! That's great!" She said as she cheered. Suzy looks fine, but why is Candace and Iris afraid of her?...

Once Suzy left and play with Marie and Jasmine, I look over to Iris who calm herself down.

"Why did you got scared anyway?" Thomas ask while I listen.

"It's nothing... I just remember something and got creep out from how she smile..." she answered before she fix her glasses.

"Well she isn't a threat, Iris. She didn't done wrong..." he said.

"No! Don't trust her! She is creepy! Creepy I tell you!!!" Candace interrupt that cause Iris to got scared again.

"Candace, we all know you despise Suzy, but you don't have to make Iris think like you about her either..." I said sternly before she sigh and grab me away from the others for a while.

"Phineas, you don't understand. Suzy likes good looking boys and your one of them. That's why you never see her other side when you were kids and when I'm Jeremy's unofficial girlfriend yet..."

"Even it's going to be hard believing you, go on..." I said.

"She said that she was only Jeremy's one and only favorite little girl. Even tho she grow up, she didn't stop there. She made my life miserable before I gave birth to Xavier. Jeremy knew that I don't want my kids get near Suzy so we move into a new home far from them... I thought it was going great until I saw her again..." she finish.

"Then why are you giving Iris the creeps like you usually do when you were 15?" I ask.

"I wasn't planning to scare her! I was giving her a warning. Suzy can manipulate anyone by her 'cute' and 'innocent' looks, but not me and Melody. Speaking of Melody, where is she? I thought you send the invitation to everyone..." she wondered.

"I did... I just felt a lot more guilty when she didn't show up..." I said with a frown.

"Phineas, don't be sad. It was your feeling's fault, not you... I'm sure she have a reason for not coming..."

"But she never say no... Even when have an argument, she never deny anything... Especially coming from me..."


I stay under the tree and watch the other enjoying theirselves with their dads while their moms took pictures. Why don't I get to be happy like them?

Ferb did arrive, but Vanessa wasn't with him. Although, it's already enough to make Thomas happy... Why are they lucky?...

A bird suddenly land from the book I was reading. "Why hello there~" I said as I pat his/her head with my point finger. He/She start chirping.

"Really? At least that made me a little better..." I said before I giggle.

"So your a dad?" I ask before he nod and chirp again.

"It's okay... Sorry about that... Also, do you know a girl name Melody? You know, with blonde hair and same eyes like mine?" I ask before he nod, but I saw a sad expression from him.

He start chirping while I listen very carefully.

"She loves animals like I do? That's great! Can you take me to her tomorrow please?" I ask again but he slowly shake his head.

"W-What? W-Why?..." I ask but he stop chirping and look down.

"Sorry for bothering you... what's your name?" I ask before he chirp one time.

"Sean? Cool name..." I said before he smile and left.

Suddenly, someone snatched my book before I got push at the ground. I look up to see... Oh no, not goldie locks out of all people...

"What's your name again?!" She ask sternly before I yelped.

"I-Iris?..." I ask while she throw my book away.

"Let me remind you one thing, Iris..." she pause before she grab my chin and force me to look at her.

"I'm the one and only center girl at the Flynn Family so back off and know your place because who are you? Oh right, an 'orphan'... Got that?!?" She threaten before I quickly nod.

She push my head back using her point finger before she push me at the ground, making me roll on the grass and heard something crack. I check my pocket and saw my snowflake clip crack.

"Iris! You okay?!" I heard Thomas scream before someone pull me up. It was Ferb and I start silently sobbing.

"What's wrong?! Are you hurt?!" Thomas ask in worry. I glance to Suzy and shot me a glare to keep my mouth shut.

I only force a smile before I nod.

"Are you kidding?! You just roll at the freaking hill! Don't act like you are fine!!!" Candace scold. I look to Phineas and he was looking at me seriously.

I took a nervous breathe before I show him my broken snowflake clip, which cause his expression to soften a bit.

"It's just a snowflake clip. It's not that important, right?" Suzy ask innocently before Jeremy and Cnadace shrugged.

"Are you k-kidding?... My m-mama m-made this by her own h-hands... How c-could you think it w-was not i-important..." I ask her in disbelief before I escape from Ferb's arms and start tearing up before I ran far away from them.

"Iris, wait..." a voice called before I can't hear anything else

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