💔💧Sudden Change Of Decision💧💔

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Chapter 47


The problem with Marie is a lot harder than I thought it would be, but I just shrugged it off. This are the situations been happening on my new life right now...

First, Suzy's threats...

Second, this Antonio guy...

Third, the Summer Family...

Fourth, planning to make Marie notice Thomas with Ximen's help...

Fifth, ignoring Marie's behaviour...

AND mother's death secret investigation...

How am I gonna solve all of that before school's even start? The whole day, I keep quiet while Marie spit some insults and offending words all day and of course I can't help but feel mad at her.

Why can't she be more like her mother... She's so bitchy... I don't understand why Thomas ever love her at the first place... she should know better rather than jumping to conclusions...

It's already 4:27 pm as I watch the sunset here from the dining rom near the kitchen from the window while continuing my investigations. Time flies so fast... Will that Antonio guy search after me?...

I mean, I don't know the name Grace before... and no flashbacks or even visions ever appear in my head. The death of my mother comparing to Mr.Flynn's anniversary with Mrs.Flynn are so close and similar...

But I think this time... Instead of calling him a murderer behind his back, he might have a good reason why. Also, I haven't spot Perry lately...

"Hey Iris! What'cha doin'..." Thomas ask, imitating Isabella's catchphrase before I giggle.

"Continuing my reasearch... Mom's death and Mr.&Mrs. Flynn's anniversary are so close to each other... Not only that, look at this..." I mention before I show him that Antonio guy's profile.

"He's trying to hack my documents for some reason. Luckily, I download an app to stop him before he even hack it..." I added.

"Smart. But be careful with Aunt Suzy... she's getting suspicious on you as well..."

"I just hope that she didn't see anything..."

"See what..." a familiar voice scream that made Thomas facepalm while I groan before I face the red hair girl. "What do you want this time, Marie..." I said bluntly.

"Knowing what you're up to? What'cha doin'? Planning to backstabbed us or hack dad's bank?" She mock before I shot a glare at her.

"Marie, please stop the harsh acts. She told me that she is just researching something..." Thomas before she huff and snatch the laptop away that made my eyes widen.

"Hey! Give it back!" I yelled at her.

"Researching, you say? What's all this then?! Are you trying to dig some secrets to make Ms.Suzy end up in jail?! Why are you making false information about her?! And look! You even plan to include dad, eh?!" She said as I try to get it back from her.

"Give me back my laptop, Marie! I need those!"

"It's dad's laptop, not yours!" She shot back before the front door open.

"And just in time, once I show my parents what you're hiding, they will finally realize your dirty acts!" She said before I gasp when Mr.and Mrs. Flynn arrive. "Hey kids! Wha-"

"Daddy! Mommy! Look what I found out why Iris has been a distant to us!" Marie said innocently as her father went confuse and check the laptop.

"Marie, I said give it back! Do you really have to touch other people's things?!? That's too personal!"

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