[31] Sparks Fly

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My brilliant plan depends on two crucial pieces of information. Both of them important, neither easily obtained.

First, I need to know when, exactly, Thea and her hooligans plan on desecrating my wonderful locker. And second, I need to get a rough idea of Principal Sparks's schedule for the rest of the day.

Lucky for me, the granola bar Mama shoved down my throat this morning seems to be working. My brain seems to have clocked in today.

There're only two times during the day that Thea and Co. can actually pull this off- lunchtime and after-school. Which means I just have to viciously guard my locker for the next hour or so, then I'm in the clear until the day ends.

I groan as I trudge to the second floor, barely navigating through the several clusters of teenagers forming throughout the hallways as lunch period truly kicks in.

As I get seated on the floor, right beside my slate colored 2 by 2 chunk of metal, a sharp pain travels up my spine. Crap, I sat on something. 

It's a glue stick, I sat on a stupid glue stick. The urge to storm to the cafeteria and jump Nadia is quickly becoming overwhelming.

I'm already seen as the girl who ran away, I can't add 'paint monster' to the mix too- no matter how satisfying it would be to pop the lid off the can and unleash all that neon yellow onto them.

A few people walk by, glancing my way in confusion. I ignore the occasional stare, biting into my sandwich and choosing to relish in the mixture of sauces instead. Mama is a wizard, I swear.

Plus, I'll need a full stomach if I have any chance of working the receptionists. Please god, please let Rita be the one manning the front desk today. Else I'm screwed because I'll have no idea where Principal Sparks will be- since I stand no chance if it's Tonya instead.

I continue munching through my sandwich until I reach the end, then get started on the apple Dad forced into my bag. A few more people stroll by. Peach juice... more people... cookie... more people...

My food runs out before the time does. I'm all out of things to chew on and I've still got half an hour left. Guess there's no avoiding it. I sigh, pulling out my biology textbook and the notes I took in the morning. Might as well get started on it now.

I skim through my notes, then the text, switching back and forth to get a full picture. Dammit, this stuff is so confusing, I think I'm stress sweating. Another groan escapes my lips as I flip to a new page in my notebook to jot down all these pesky questions I keep having. Mr. Allan better be ready for tomorrow.

Before I know it, the final lunch bell is ringing.

Are you kidding me? My entire meal takes half an hour, and with that same amount of time I've only gotten through a page and a half of text?! Something is seriously wrong with the universe.

I pack up my books and all the pens (the colors make my notes so pretty), tossing my lunch trash in the bin at the end of the hall. Normally, I would be heading downstairs, to English class. But thanks to Vanessa, I'm well aware that Principal Sparks meets with the student council every Monday after lunch. Which is exactly why I'm going to the office right now.

I take a deep breath and adjust the straps of my backpack before slowly pushing through the office doors.

Maybe I'm being dramatic, but I almost hear the choir sing when I spot Rita's massive red curls peaking over the reception table. I grin, practically flying over to her.

"Hey Rita!"

She looks up and beams when she sees me. Rita's still as wrinkly and gorgeous as I remember. She claims she should've retired several years ago, but come on, with that skin? I'd say she's still a few years away from cashing in the senior discount.

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