Day 1

14 1 0

So today marks the 1st annaversary of Calypso's escape from Ogigiya and I want to make it special foro her so she does not feel sad.  I have a huge picnic planned and I just have to hope the Stoll brothers do not ruin it. Yes if you are wondering I did tell Conner and Travis about my plans for the day and yes I relize I made a HUGE mistake.  Okay I see her I'm going to blind fold her. 


Leo:Hey sunshine wat up so ima just put thins blind fold on you and...


Leo:Its a suprise come on sunshine loosen up.



They are now at there picnic


So basicly Conner and Travis rigged the whole picnic first the replaced all the really good food that I PERSONALLY BAKED with those wierd squishys that thos mortals play with. Then they had a Romans vs. Greeks water balloon fight right at my secret spot and then the worst part happend. I glanced at Calypso and she was CRYING and I mean all out ugly crying she was so upset. And that's when I went up to Travis and I grabbed him and I beat him to a pulp...well actually I do not think  I could actually do that even he would be stronger than me because ya know I invented Scrawny.

Well anyways I did not beat Travis into a pulp. Instead I  looked at Cal and I leaned in andn Told her I was so sorry and this was not meant to happen and you know what she did. She looked at me-still balling-And said "I can't belive you" And ran off and now I was on the verge of tears. There was no way that those Stoll brothers were going to take away the one good thing in my life right now. Then I ran in the direction  she ran and found her at the new geust cabin Chiron installed when I first got back from death and all. So anyways I went back in and I tried my best to comfort her and then she looked at me and said "How could you be so cruel I-I trusted you I-I you know what I just can't take this anymore. Your so iresponsible. I need my space Leo I- were done." And then I called back to her as she ran out the door "Wait sunshine I didn't do that-" And then she was gone.

I spent the rest of the night in Bunker 9 were I usually slept these days and just thought on how I was going to get Cal back and how I was going to get back at the Stoll brothers and that's when it hit me: Fight fire with fire or in this case Fight pranks with pranks. Now we will just need to see how tomarrow turns out. Bye for now.

    - Your's truley Supersized McShizle 

<3 Leo Valdez

Rick riordan owns these characters and I do not. 

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